Computer Science (MS)

illustrative photo of computer systems for MS Computer Science

This program is designed for students seeking a quality education in preparation for employment, career advancement, or further graduate study at the Ph.D. level.

Offered On-Campus Only

The Master of Science program in Computer Science provides a general computer science education emphasizing both theoretical and applied aspects. 

The program equips students with a broad understanding of the discipline coupled with a specialization in at least one of the following areas:

  • Software Engineering
  • Systems and Architectures
  • Algorithms and Theory
  • Artificial Intelligence and Modeling

Course offerings stress the principles and problem-solving methodology required by computing professionals working in industry, business and education. Depth of understanding in the student’s program of study is acquired through completion of core courses and electives, appropriately chosen from the graduate catalog.

Courses are complemented by a number of state-of-the-art laboratories that employ a variety of computing environments. The program is also supported by extensive library holdings. Hundreds of journal titles maintained by the Cayan Library directly support the graduate program in computer science.

The Computer Science department is one of the largest within SUNY Poly. The twelve full-time faculty have diverse areas of expertise and support three graduate and four undergraduate programs while pursuing research and scholarly activities in their respective areas of interest. Many faculty and students maintain a close working relationship with researchers at the Rome Research Site of the Air Force Research Laboratory located about ten miles west of the campus.

For admissions questions/information contact:
Kaylynn Iglesias, 
Director of Graduate Admissions
315-792-7347 |   
Fax: 315-792-7221

For academic questions/information contact:
Dr. Michael J. Reale, PhD
Assistant Professor & MS  Computer Science Program Coordinator
Phone: (315) 792-7227




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