Hundreds of students from throughout the state (and beyond) choose to take a class or two each semester either on campus or online. A “non-matriculated” or “non-degree” student is defined as one who has not been accepted into a degree program. There are a variety of reasons why students elect to take this path of study such as:
- Taking a course required for their degree which is not currently offered by their home institution
- Improving their GPA in anticipation of applying to graduate school
- Getting a head start on a degree program by taking some prerequisite courses
- Verifying interest in a program by sampling a course or two
- Preparing for professional certifications (ex: CPA exam)
- Exploring a personal or professional interest
Whatever your reason we welcome all visiting students to SUNY Poly and we hope you enjoy your experience here!
Questions? Contact one of the following offices based on your reason for pursuing non-degree study as follows:
Contact the Graduate Admissions Office if you plan to eventually apply for admission to a master’s degree program at SUNY Poly: | 315-792-7347
Contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office if you plan to eventually apply for admission to a bachelor’s degree program at SUNY Poly: | 315-792-7500
Contact the Registrar's Office for all other reasons (ie: already enrolled at another college, exploring an interest, preparing for a certification exam, etc): | 315-792-7265