
Wind Power in Action: Build & Take Home Your Own TurbineMonday, April 2, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.Ages: 12 – 18 years oldIn this hands-on workshop, attendees will explore the science and engineering behind wind energy by building their own functional wind turbine - one they can take…
March is Women’s History Month! Stop by the library anytime this month to check out our book display that provides a range of women’s history books, spanning fiction and non-fiction. The books cover a variety of topics and are either by female authors or feature female main…
We need your help to welcome our newest Wildcats! Mark your calendars and join us in making our New Student Orientation Programs a success. Your participation is essential in creating a warm and supportive environment for incoming students. Your involvement—whether as a…
Please join us for the 2025 Women Who Inspire Lunch, which will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, in the Student Center Multipurpose Room beginning at noon. This year we will be honoring Dr. Aarthi Sekaran, faculty in the Engineering Department.  Aarthi is always coming…
Summer 2025 financial aid applications are now being accepted.  If you will be taking classes this summer and are interested in using financial aid, please complete and submit the application no later than Friday, April 18, 2025.  Please make sure that your 2025-2026…
Faculty Candidate Presentation: Civil Engineering InfrastructureDate: March 24Time: 9 AMLocation: Donovan Hall 1193 (COE Conference Room)Title: Enhancing the Resilience of Energy Infrastructure under Wind HazardsFaculty Candidate Presentation: Computer ScienceDate: March 26Time…
The last day to file for August 2025 graduation is April 1.  Graduation applications are available on the SUNY Poly website: If you have any questions, please email the Registrar’s Office at registrar@…
If you are planning on returning to SUNY Poly this upcoming 2025-2026 academic year and you have not completed your 2025-2026 FAFSA and TAP applications, please do so as soon as possible.  The results of your FAFSA are needed for us to prepare a financial aid package for…
It's that time again!The Center for Student Involvement is reaching out for volunteers to support our traditional events hosted by us and other campus partners.  Whether you're looking to double down or fill your plate and educate, there are several opportunities to do so…
Regional Director of NYS Department of Transportation Region 2, Linda Lubey, P.E., PTOE, will be giving a talk on campus today [March 17] from 4-5 p.m.  in Donovan Hall Room G140. Pizza and soft drinks will be provided.The event is made possible by SUNY Poly's Center for…


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