
Stay connected with SUNY Poly. It’s not only about a time that enabled success that was yet to come, it’s also about how SUNY Poly still impacts who you are. Professors who inspired you. Friends you will never forget. A small moment here or there that became a larger memory as time passed.

Stay Connected to SUNY Poly 



Available Alumni Resources

Career Services
As one of the more than 27,000 alumni, you are part of an incredible, world-wide network of top- tier professionals, engineers, nurses, scientists, accountants, mathematicians, and psychologists, among so many others. It’s a network that you can tap into as you utilize SUNY Poly’s dedicated Career Services. Alumni are able to schedule an appointment for resume review, interview preparation, attend Career Fairs, and utilize the network of employer partners Career Services has to offer.

Alumni are encouraged to create an account in Handshake with their SUNY Poly email. For account creation assistance for handshake please contact the Office of Career Services at

Click below to login to Handshake


Update Your Information

Have you moved? Changed your email? Want to stay updated with SUNY Poly News or attend an upcoming event? Make sure to update your information with us!


Update Your Information


The Bridge Magazine

Our Alumni Magazine is designed to showcase the many achievements SUNY Poly has made throughout the year, highlight faculty achievements, alumni events throughout the year, Foundation news, alumni stories, and class notes. We encourage alumni to submit a class note. Class notes are generally reserved for major life events that might be of interest to fellow alumni. Relevant events include:

  • Engagements and marriages
  • Births and adoptions
  • Professional accomplishments
  • Educational accomplishments

View the latest issue


Class notes should be written in the third person and should reference the name of the alum, class year, and maiden name, if applicable. SUNY Poly reserves the right to edit or remove any class note at its discretion.

Visit Campus

Have you wanted to stop by campus? Plan your visit with us by contacting us a day and time that you would like to come to campus at



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View the most recent issue of THE BRIDGE

The Bridge - news for Alumni

View the most recent issue of THE BRIDGE


Request More Information

Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.


Let's Start The Process     

Complete and submit your application to SUNY Polytechnic Institute.