Associated Faculty: Carpenter, Efstathiadis, Eisenbraun, Huang, Ventrice
This track focuses on the science of ultra-thin films, including the self-assembly, deposition, modification, and integration of single and multilayered materials. In particular, the fundamental functionality relationships between nanoscale structures and dimensions and resulting film properties are emphasized.
Foundations Courses: Because this track is part of the Nanoscale Science program, it is recommended that students wishing to prepare for it pursue the Nanoscale Science Qualifying Examination. Students without adequate background in the following subjects should take the corresponding Foundation Courses:
506 Crystallinity and Diffraction
506 Kinetics & Transport
506 Mechanics of Materials
506 Phase Equilibria
507 Molecular Materials
507 Quantum 1A
509 Nanoscale Device Principles
509 Surfaces and Interfaces
509 Deposition for Ultra-Thin Films
Track-Specific Coursework: Students must take 9-credits of track-specific coursework from the following list. These courses were selected to provide students with a deeper, more focused theoretical and practical base for their research in thin film silence.
603 Nanomaterials Processing (3)
667 Surface Analysis of Nanostructures (3)
670 Transmission Electron Microscopy (4)