Associated Faculty: Cady, Melendez, Paluh, Sharfstein, Xie
This track focuses on the design, development and engineering of nanobiological systems, components, and processes. It also includes the development and engineering of biomaterials and nano-biosystems for lab-on-a-chip (LOC), nanomedicine, and health applications.
Foundations Courses: Students wishing to prepare for this track should pursue the Nanobioscience Qualifying Examination. Students without adequate background in the following subjects should take the corresponding Foundation Courses:
506 Crystallinity and Diffraction
506 Phase Equilibria
506 Kinetics and Transport
506 Principles of Nanobiology
507 Molecular Materials
507 Nanoscale Laboratory Techniques
507 Interfacial Properties of Nanobiology
508 Optical/Photonic Properties
509 Polymeric and Amorphous Materials
509 Introduction to NEMS/MEMS
509 Surfaces and Interfaces
509 Nanoscale Device Principles
Optional (based on background)
504 Chemical Principles
507 Mathematical Methods
Track-Specific Coursework: Students must take 9 credits of track-specific coursework from the following list. These courses were selected to provide students with sufficient flexibility to tailor a strong classroom experience to support their research in nanobioscience.
605 Integrated Circuit Manufacturing I (3)
631 The Science and Technology of MEMS and NEMS (3)
636 Bio-MEMS and Bio-NEMS (3)
641 Principles of Sensors: Chemical, Biological and Physical (3)
657 Bioconjugation Techniques and Purification Strategies for Nanobio (3)
658 Biomedical Nanotechnology (3)
670 Transmission Electron Microscopy (4)