Harry Efstathiadis

Professional Background
- Ph.D. (Experimental Condensed-Matter Physics) 1997, City University of New York
- M.S. (Physics) 1991, City College of New York
Areas of Research
- Photovoltaics (CuInGaSe2 (CIGS), a-Si, p-Si, Perovskites)
- Li-ion batteries (Liquid and solid electrolytes)
- Sensors - Anti-reflective coatings
- Solid-State air filter for face masks
- Thin film deposition and characterization
Research Description
Professor Efstathiadis' research is focused on the following areas:
Thin-film solar cells
This project includes the development of chemical (using CIGS nanoparticles) and sputter (bi-layer, co-sputtering) deposition processes for the absorber layer, low-cost methods for selenization and sulfurization, and studies of flexible substrates, barrier, and alternative to CdS buffer layers. The project also involves photovoltaic (PV) device fabrication and testing.
a-Si and nc-Si
This project is focused on process development for thin-film a-Si and p-Si by evaporation and high frequency Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) and anti-reflection and passivation coatings, front contact metallization for PV devices.
Li-ion batteries
In a Li-ion battery a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) is formed on a graphitic anode surface during the first electrochemical cycle. In this project several formation methods in full Li-ion cells are investigated to study their impact on Li distribution at the anode interface. To evaluate the impact of formation both on performance and at a physical level, full cells were assembled, formed and cycled at various rates then disassembled and the electrodes were measured using the non-destructive Li nuclear reaction analysis (Li-NRA) measurements. Probing the immobile Li as a consequence of formation procedure and cycling can provide insight into charge transfer and cycle life limitations.
Li-ion Batteries - Solid Electrolytes
This project is focused on the development by RF-magnetron sputtering and characterization of different classes of solid lithium-ionic conductors, fabrication of all-solid state microbatteries using photo lithography, and electrochemical evaluation testing. One promising compound is lithium aluminum titanium phosphate (LATP), a NASICON-like solid electrolyte whose chemical compound follows the structure Li1+xAlxTi2-x(PO4)3.
Sensors - Anti-reflective coatings
Infrared sensors are being developed for a variety of defense and commercial systems applications. Oblique-angle deposition has been used to tailor the refractive index of porous, nanostructured SiO2 materials, and to build high-performance step-graded refractive index structures on glass and other relevant substrates. Step-grade designs enable the formation of AR structures that combine broadband and omnidirectional characteristics. In this work, we will develop on large areas the oblique angle deposition process of nanostructured coating technology for IR sensing applications and report results from step-graded antireflection coatings on silicon substrates
Solid-State air filter for face masks
The aim of this project is to fabricate using photolithography and test an all solid electrostatic air filter that can be integrated with commercially available respirators and face masks for personnel protection from viruses including COVID19. The filtration device is mechanically robust, reusable for hundreds or thousands of times after simple cleaning, and kills all biological agents irrespective of size.
Thin film deposition and characterization
Low pressure thermal and plasma enhanced chemical vapor film depositions of silicon and carbon based alloys for hard coating and antireflective coatings for IR-windows.
Dr. Efstathiadis has developed and teaching undergraduate lecture courses, an undergraduate laboratory course, a graduate lecture course and a graduate/undergraduate seminar course. He is also teaching several independent study courses such as NNSE 397 to undergraduate students and NNSE 197 to non-matriculated high school students.
Dr. Efstathiadis is teaching for many years to junior and senior students taking capstone project courses, on one-to-one basis or small groups of students, the science and engineering principles of renewable energy technologies. He has also advised and supervised them in getting hand-on experience and performing experiments in his laboratory as well as presenting their data and findings on Capstone Day.
Dr. Efstathiadis developed teaches at “The Energy Storage Technology Workforce Training Program”. This is a comprehensive approach within SUNY Polytechnic Institute to increase the number of students at SUNY Poly and also increase the number of engineers, scientists, and technicians with technical skills on energy storage and clean energy. The goal of the program is to provide the necessary technical education and to inspire students to seek careers in the clean energy industry. As part of this program, Dr. Efstathiadis is developing this semester novel, team-based research projects course to introduce the student to professional-level research and development on Li-ion batteries and beyond.
Academic offerings at SUNY Polytechnic Institute
A detailed list of the courses developed, taught, students advised, personnel supervised is listed below:
- NNSE 640 (3 credits): ”Nanotechnology and Photovoltaics” – Graduate course
- NNSE 683 (1 credit): “Seminar Nanoscale Science and Nanoengineering” – Graduate/Undergraduate seminar course
- NENG 421 (3 credits): “Nanomaterials and Photovoltaics” - Undergraduate course
- NENG 422 (3 credits): “Introduction to Fuel Cell Nanotechnology” - Undergraduate course
- NENG 423 (3 credits): “Renewable and Alternative Energy Nanotechnologies” – Undergraduate course
- NENG 425 (3 credits): “Electric Energy Storage and Li-ion Batteries” – Undergraduate course
- NSCI/NENG 120/127 “Physical Principles of Nano Science I” - Undergraduate Laboratory
- NNSE 397 “Independent Research Study “ Undergraduate Laboratory
- NNSE 197 “Independent Research Study “ Undergraduate Laboratory offered to High School Students as non-matriculate students
NENG 423 Renewable and Alternate Energy Nanotechnologies
Undergraduate Course (3 credits)
Course Description:
This course is intended to introduce the students to the catalyzing role of nanotechnology for enabling high performance in power generation, energy efficiency, energy storage, and related technologies. The logistics of renewable energy integration and various issues related to incorporating renewable options into the energy mix will be briefly discussed in addition to miscellaneous enabling technologies such as energy storage (batteries and supercapacitors), energy conversion technologies (fuel cells and thermoelectrics), efficient electricity transmission technology (superconductors), and hydropower. Materials aspect for certain energy technologies such as for energy storage and hydrogen storage will also be discussed to acquaint the students with the technological innovations in the materials arena.
NENG 422 NanoTechnology and Fuel Cells
Undergraduate Course (3 credits)
Course Description:
This course provides an overview of fuel cell operation and electrochemistry from a chemical-thermodynamics and materials-science perspective. The course introduces students to the fundamentals of fuel cell systems, with emphasis on proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. Students will learn the basic operating principles of electrochemical energy conversion while being exposed to PEM relevant topics in materials science, thermodynamics, kinetics, and fluid mechanics. It also includes fundamentals of cell design and heat and mass transport. The students will also learn about the potential environmental impact of fuel cell technology, hydrogen production, hydrogen transport and storage, and hydrogen safety issues as relate to other fuels such as gasoline and natural gas.
NENG421 Introduction to Solar Cell Nanotechnology
Undergraduate Course (3 credits)
Course Description:
This undergraduate course is focused on the application of thin films and nanoengineered materials and architectures to various photovoltaic (PV) technologies. The course will cover the basics of PV market, solar radiation, physics of semiconductors, physics of solar cells, material characterization and cell measurements, and describe a variety of solar cell devices, and modules, and PV systems. Group project to explore in depth a solar cell approach or device components will be assigned. The class might visit a solar panel installation.
NENG 425 Electric Energy Storage - Lithium-ion Batteries
Undergraduate Course (3 credits)
Course Description:
Electric energy storage technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors play a key role in clean energy transition. Affordable and flexible electricity storage technologies are set to catalyze transitions to clean energy around the world, enabling cleaner electricity to penetrate a large range of applications. Batteries account for nearly 90% of research and development activity in the area of electricity storage, which is mostly driven by advances in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries.
The students will acquire a general knowledge in the electrochemical principles, technology, and applications of batteries, supercapacitors, and batteries management system. The educational objective of this course is to provide students with fundamental knowledge in the interdisciplinary field of energy storage and equip them with the necessary analytical and technical skills in areas related to energy storage systems and related materials. Students completing the course will be prepared to enter the industry as problem solvers and will be competent to work in the development and implementation of energy storage technologies and systems. The students will also learn about the potential environmental impact of batteries technology and batteries recycling. Each student will be assigned a group project to explore in depth and present in class on a battery design or cell component.
NNSE 683 Seminar in Nanoscale Engineering
Graduate Course (1 credits)
Course Description:
This seminar course will be offered during the Fall and Spring of each academic year. The course is intended to help the students practice on how to effectively communicate their scientific research findings and methods to a general scholarly audience. It will also instruct audience members how to effectively participate in scientific discussions following presentations. This will serve as a platform for constructive criticism and encouragement in order to forge more effective and competent presenters. Graduate students registered for this class have to attend the presentations and also present at the seminar. Seminar attendance is also open to all SUNY Poly Faculty and students. Periodically SUNY Poly Faculty and engineers or external SUNY Poly speakers will be invited to present at the seminar.
NENG 640: Nanotechnology and Photovoltaics
Graduate Course (3 credits)
Course Description:
This graduate course is focused on the application of nanoengineered materials and structures to photovoltaic technologies and include impact on performance and operation. The course will focus on solar radiation, the physical mechanisms of solar cell technology, and provide a fundamental understanding of solar cell devices and systems. Module design and economic fundamentals for solar cell technology to generate electricity will be covered. Group project to explore one solar cell approach in depth.
Refereed Articles
Dr. Efstathiadis’ research is focused in renewable energy and electric energy storage technology applications, IR microcameras, nanoelectronics, and flat panel displays all activities are collaborative in nature:
- T. Jiang, W. Zhang, A. Kumar ILango, J. Feldblyum, Z. Wei, H. Efstathiadis, M. Yigit, and Yanna Liang, “Surfactant-Modified Clay for Adsorption of Mixtures of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Aqueous Solutions” submitted to ACS Applied Engineering Materials (2022).
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, A. Sood, R. Welser, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, S. Gunapala, A. Soibel, D. Ting, L. Chaudhary and H. Efstathiadis “Improved UV to IR Band Detector Performance Through Advanced Nanostructured Antireflection Coatings” Proc. SPIE 12091, Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications IX, 1209106 (2022); doi:10.1117/12.2622137.
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, N. Dhar, R. Jacobs, S. Ganguly, S. Ahmed, F. Tonni, A. Ghosh, L. Chaudhary, H. Efstathiadis, "Development of high-performance graphene-HgCdTe detector technology for mid-wave infrared applications," Proc. SPIE 12091, Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications IX, 1209108 (2022); doi: 10.1117/12.2622239.
- J. Warrender, Q. Hudspeth, G. Malladi, H. Efstathiadis and J. Mathews, “Cellular Breakdown and Carrier Lifetimes in Gold-Hyperdoped Silicon” submitted to Semiconductor Science and Technology (2022).
- M. S. Islam, M. T. Islam, S. Sarker, H. A. Jame, S. S. Nishat, M. R. Jani, A. Rauf, S. Ahsan, K. Md Shorowordi, H. Efstathiadis, J. Carbonara, and S. Ahmed, “A Machine Learning Approach to Delineate Impact of Materials Properties on Solar Cell Device Physics" accepted American Chemical Society Omega (2022).
- S. Higashiya, A. Hegazy, K. Shah, L. Chaudhary, M. Chebuske, H. Bakhru, F. Gittleson and H. Efstathiadis, “Analysis of SEI Formation and Fast Charging on Lithium Loss in NMC/Graphite Cells”, submitted to Chem. Acta (2022).
- M. S. Islam, M T. Islam, S. Sarker, S. S. Nishat; M. R. Jani, A. Rauf, H. Al Jame, S. Ahsan, K. Md Shorowordi, H. Efstathiadis, J. Carbonara, and S. Ahmed, “A Supervised Machine Learning Approach towards Accelerating the Development of High-performance non-Pb Perovskite Solar Devices”, submitted to Computational Materials Science (2021).
- A. Teli, T. Bhat, S. Beknalkar, S. Mane, L. Chaudhary, D. Patil, S. Pawar, H. Efstathiadis, J. Shin, “2D Nanoflakes Structured Bismuth Manganese Oxide Based Electrodes for Asymmetric High-Performance Coin Cell Supercapacitor”, J. Chem. Eng. 430, 133138 (2022).
- D. Ghoshal, H. Shang, X. Sun, X. Wen, D Chen, T. Wang, Z. Lu, T. Gupta, H. Efstathiadis, D. West, N. Koratkar, T-M Lu, S. Zhang, S-F Shi, “Orientation Controlled Large Area Epitaxial PbI2 Thin Films with Tunable Optical Properties”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 27, 32450–32460 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c05734
- A. Teli, S. Beknalkar, L. Choudhary, S. Mane, D. Patil, H. Efstathiadis, J. Shin, “Facile Hydrothermal Deposition of Copper-Nickel Sulfide nanostructures on Nickel-foam for Enhanced Electrochemical Performance and Kinetics of Charge Storage” Appl. Surf. Sci., 571, 151336, (2022).
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, A. Sood, R. Welser, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, S. Gunapala, L. Chaudhary, H. Efstathiadis, “Development of UV to IR band nanostructured antireflection coating technology for improved detector and sensor performance” Proc. SPIE 11831, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications XI, 1183109 (2021); http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2598993
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, N. Dhar, R. Jacobs, S. Ganguly, A. Ghosh, L. Chaudhary, and H. Efstathiadis, “Development of high-performance graphene-HgCdTe detector technology for mid-wave infrared applications,” Proc. SPIE 11831, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications XI, 1183103 (2021). http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2598866
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, A. A. Sood, R. Welser, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, S. Gunapala, A. Soibel, D. Ting, L. Chaudhary, and H. Efstathiadis, “Development of nanostructured antireflection coating technology for IR band for improved detector performance,” Proc. SPIE 11858, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XXV, 1185812 (2021). https://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2598994
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, N. Dhar, R. Jacobs, S. Ganguly, A. Ghosh, L. Chaudhary, and H. Efstathiadis, “Development of high-performance graphene-HgCdTe detector technology for mid-wave infrared applications,” Proc. SPIE 11723, Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications VIII, 117230I (2021). http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2590712
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, A. A. Sood, R. Welser, H. Efstathiadis, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, S. Gunapala, “Development of UV to IR band nanostructured antireflection coating technology for improved detector and sensor performance,” Proc. SPIE 11723, Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications VIII; 117230F (2021). http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2591158
- K-Y Kim, D. Moreno-Jimenez, and H Efstathiadis, “Electrochemical ammonia recovery from anaerobic centrate using a nickel-functionalized activated carbon membrane electrode”, Environ. Sci. Technol. 55, 11, 7674–7680 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c01703
- T. Islam, R. Jani, S. Rahman, A. Islam, K. Shorowordi, S. Nishat, H. Efstathiadis, J. Carbonara, I. Grinberg, and S. Ahmed, “Investigation of non-Pb all-perovskite 4-T mechanically stacked and 2-T monolithic tandem solar devices utilizing SCAPS simulation”, SN Applied Sciences 3 504 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-021-04487-7
- A. K. Sood, J. W. Zeller, G. G. Pethuraja, A. W. Sood, and R. E. Welser, H. Efstathiadis, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, S. Gunapala, “Development of UV to IR Band Nanostructured Antireflection Coating Technology for Improved Detector and Sensor Performance", In Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XXIV; vol. 11530, SPIE Remote Sensing, (2020), https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2571713
- T. Gupta, D. Ghoshal, A. Yoshimura, S. Basu, P. Chow, A. Lakhnot, J. Pandey , J. Warrender, H. Efstathiadis, A. Soni, E. Osei-Agyemang, G. Balasubramanian, S. Zhang, S-F Shi, T-M Lu, V. Meunier, N. Koratkar, “An Environmentally Stable and Lead-Free Chalcogenide Perovskite”, Advanced Functional Materials 30, 23 1387 (2020).
- W. Zhang, L. Li, H. Efstathiadis; and Y Liang, “Environmental factors affecting degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) by In2O3 nanoparticles”, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 93 48-56 (2020).
- M. Chebuske, S. Higashiya, S. Flottman, H. Bakhru F. Gittleson, B. Antonopoulos, O. Paschos and H. Efstathiadis, “Lithium-Enriched Graphite Anode Surfaces Investigated using Nuclear Reaction Analysis”, Chem. Comm., 93 (2020), DOI: 10.1039/d0cc04205f
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, A. W. Sood, G. Pethuraja, R. Welser, H. Efstathiadis, A. Sampath, and Ni. Dhar. “Development of nanostructured antireflection coatings for infrared sensing applications.” In Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications IX, vol. 11129, p. 111290I. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2019). DOI: 10.1117/12.2531642
- G. Pethuraja, A. Sood, J. Zeller, R. Welser, A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Wijewarnasuriya. “Broadband antireflection coatings for advanced sensing and imaging applications.” In Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications VI, vol. 10980, p. 109800U. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2019). DOI: 10.1117/12.2521463
- G. Pethuraja, J. Zeller, R. Welser, A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Wijewarnasuriya. “Nanostructured antireflection coatings for infrared sensors and applications.” In Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications VIII, vol. 10766, p. 107660I. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2018). DOI: 10.1117/12.2323702
- J. Claypoole, M. Altwerger, S. Flottman, and H. Efstathiadis, “Characterization of N type Si Doped ZnO and ZnO Thin Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering” 2018 IEEE Nanotechnology Symposium (ANTS); 10.1109/NANOTECH.2018.8653571.
- S. Flottman, H. Frost, M. Altwerger, S. Higashiya, D. Sadana, and H. Efstathiadis, “Fabrication process validation and investigations of lithium-ionic conductors for all-solid Li-ion batteries”, (2018) IEEE Nanotechnology Symposium (ANTS); DOI: 10.1109/NANOTECH.2018.8653570
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, R. Dupuis, and H. Efstathiadis. “Development of high performance ultraviolet and near-infrared detector technologies.” In Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications VIII, vol. 10766, p. 1076609. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2018). DOI: 10.1117/12.2323642
- C. R. Philippi, J. Zeller, N. K. Dhar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, A. Sood, and H. Efstathiadis. “Model development of pin germanium devices for infrared detection.” Optics and Photonics Journal 8, no. 6 (2018): (2018). DOI: 10.4236/opj.2018.86018.
- J. Zeller, A. K. Sood, C. Rouse, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, N. K. Dhar, and P. Wijewarnasuriya, “Germanium photodetectors fabricated on 300 mm silicon wafers for near-infrared focal plane arrays,” In Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications VII, vol. 10404, p. 104040H. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2017). DOI: 10.1117/12.2277958.
- G. Pethuraja, John W. Zeller, Roger E. Welser, Harry Efstathiadis, Pradeep Haldar, Priyalal S. Wijewarnasuriya, Nibir K. Dhar, and Ashok K. Sood. “Development of nanostructured antireflection coatings for infrared technologies and applications.” In Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications VII, vol. 10404, p. 104040S. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2017). DOI: 10.1117/12.2277957.
- G. Pethuraja, J. Zeller, R. Welser, A. Sood, H Efstathiadis, P Haldar, E. DeCuir, P. Wijewarnasuriya, and N. Dhar. “Development of nanostructured antireflection coatings for infrared image sensing technologies.” In Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications IV, vol. 10209, p. 102090D. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2017). DOI: 10.1117/12.2268856.
- G. Pethuraja, J. Zeller, R. Welser, A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, and N. Dhar, “Development of Nanostructured Antireflection Coatings for Infrared and Electro-Optical Systems”, Sensors & Transducers 214, 7: 46 (2017).
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, Y. Puri, C. Rouse, P. Haldar, and H. Efstathiadis, N. Dhar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, “SiGe Focal Plane Array Detector Technology for Near-Infrared Imaging”, Int. J. Engr. 10(1), 81-103 (2017).
- J. Warrender, Q. Hudspeth, G. Malladi, H. Efstathiadis and J. Mathews, “Incorporation of gold into silicon by thin film deposition and pulsed laser melting”, Applied Physics Letters 109, 23 (2017).
- J. Claypoole, M. Altwerger, D. Dwyer, S. Novak, P. Haldar, M. Eisaman, H. Efstathiadis, “Sputter Rate Measurements of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Absorber Layers with Varied Ga Ratios, Primary Voltage, and Angle of Incidence by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 696, 808–813 (2017). DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.12.007
- J. Zeller, C. Rouse, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, J. Lewis, N. Dhar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, Y. Puri, A. Sood, “Development of silicon-germanium visible-near infrared arrays”, In Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications III, vol. 9854, p. 985408. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2016). DOI: 10.1117/12.2229650.
- G. Pethuraja, R. Welser A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis P. Haldar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, N. Dhar “Development of Nanostructure Antireflection Coatings for EO/IR Sensor Applications”, In Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications III, vol. 9854, p. 985407. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2016). DOI: 10.1117/12.2229647.
- A. Sood, I. Lund, J. Zeller, Y Puri, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, N. Dhar, J. Lewis, P. Wijewarnasuriya, “Development of Graphene Based Detectors for EO/IR Applications”, In Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications III, vol. 9854, p. 98540D. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2016). DOI: 10.1117/12.2229649.
- C. Rouse, J. Zeller, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, J. Lewis, N. Dhar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, Y. Puri, A. Sood, “Development of Low Dark Current SiGe Near-Infrared PIN Photodetectors on 300 mm Silicon Wafers”, Opt. Photonics J., 6, 61-68 (2016). DOI: 10.4236/opj.2016.65009
- R. Zhang, T. Abtew, N. Quackenbush, L. Wangoh, M. Huie, A. Brady, D. Bock, H. Efstathiadis, S. Whittingham, A. Marschilok, K. Takeuchi, E. Takeuchi, P. Zhang, L. Piper, “Electrode Reaction Mechanism of Ag2VO2PO4 cathode”, Chem Mater, 28(10), 3428-3434 (2016).
- R. LaForest, I. Gherasoiu, D. White, and H. Efstathiadis, “P-TECH: A New Model for an Integrated Engineering Technology Education”, Proc. of St. Lawrence Section of the American Society for Engineering Education, (2016).
- D. Dissanayake, A. Ashraf, D. Dwyer, K. Kisslinger, L. Zhang, Y. Pang, H. Efstathiadis, and M. Eisaman, “Spontaneous and strong multi-layer graphene n-doping on soda-lime glass and its application in graphene-semiconductor junctions”, Nature Scientific Reports, 6, 21070 (2016).
- B. Peace, J. Claypoole, N. Sun, D. Dwyer, M. Eisaman, P. Haldar, and H. Efstathiadis, “Characterization of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) films with varying gallium ratios for thin-film photovoltaic (PV) devices”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 657, 873-877 (2016).
- Q Nian, M. Callahan, M. Saei, D. Look, H. Efstathiadis, J. Bailey, G. J. Cheng, 2015, "Large Scale Laser Crystallization of Solution-based Alumina-doped Zinc Oxide (AZO) Nanoinks for Highly Transparent Conductive Electrode", Nature Scientific Reports, 5, 1551 (2015).
- S. McMahon, A. Chaudhari, R Vispute, Z. Zhouying and H. Efstathiadis, “Textured (111) crystalline silicon thin film growth directly on flexible glass by e-beam evaporation”, Materials Letters 158, 269-273 (2015).
- Q. Nian, M. Callahan, D. Look, H. Efstathiadis, J. Bailey, and G. J. Cheng, “Highly transparent conductive electrode with ultra-low HAZE by grain boundary modification of aqueous solution fabricated alumina-doped zinc oxide nanocrystals”, Applied Physics Letters Materials, 3, 062803 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4915489
- J. Alexander, N. Sun, R. Sun, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Development and characterization of transparent and conductive InZnO films by magnetron sputtering at room temperature”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 633, 157–164 (2015).
- Y. Pang, H. Efstathiadis, D. Dwyer, and M. Eisaman, “Reconstruction of the charge collection probability in a CIGS solar cell by the regularization method “in: Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp 1-4 (2015) DOI: 10.1109/PVSC.2015.7356018.
- S. Leonardi, F. Di Fonzo, A. Li Bassi, T. M. Murray H. Efstathiadis and J. Kunze-Liebhäuser, “TiO2 Nanotubes: Interdependence of Substrate Grain Orientation and Growth Rate”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, 3, 1662-1668 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1021/am507181p.
- A. Sood, G. Pethuraja, R. Welser, Y. Puri, N. Dhar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, J. Lewis, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and E. Schubert. “Development of large area nanostructured antireflection coatings for EO/IR sensor applications.” International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 6, no. 1: 57-70 (2015).
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, R. Richwine, Y. Puri, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, N. Dhar, and D. Polla. “SiGe based visible-NIR photodetector technology for optoelectronic applications.” In Advances in Optical Fiber Technology: Fundamental Optical Phenomena and Applications. Intech Open, (2015). DOI: 10.5772/59065
- J. Zeller, H. Efstathiadis, G. Bhowmik, P. Haldar, N. Dhar, J. Lewis, P. Wijewarnasuriya, Y. Puri, and A. Sood. “Development of Ge PIN photodetectors on 300 mm Si wafers for near-infrared sensing.” International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 8, no. 1: 23-33 (2015).
- I. Gherasoiu, M. Abdallah, D. Das, D. Jones, and H. Efstathiadis, “Nanotechnology Education at SUNY Poly”, Proc. of St. Lawrence Section of the American Society for Engineering Education, (2015).
- S. McMahon, A. Chaudhari, R Vispute, H. Efstathiadis, and Z. Zhouying, “Highly textured Si [111] crystalline thin-film on buffered soda-lime glass by e-beam evaporation”, Materials Letters 140 123-126 (2015).
- G. Pethuraja, R. Welser, J. Zeller, Y. Puri, A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, J. Harvey, “Advanced Flexible CIGS Solar Cells Enhanced by Broadband Nanostructured Antireflection Coatings”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 1771 pp. 145-150 (2015), DOI: 10.1557/opl.2015.589.
- G. Pethuraja, R. Welser, J. Zeller, Y. Puri, A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, N. Dhar, and P. Wijewarnasuriya, “Nanostructured Antireflection Coating for Optical Detection and Sensor Applications” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 1805 (2015) DOI: 10.1557/opl.2015.689
- G. Pethuraja, R. Welser, J. Zeller, Y. Puri, A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and J. Harvey, “Antireflection coatings for enhancing power output of solar panels”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 1771, pp. 67-72, A (2015) DOI: 10.1557/opl.2015.509.
- J. Zeller, C. Rouse, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, N. Dhar, J. Lewis, P. Wijewarnasuriya, Y. Puri, and A. K. Sood. “Design and development of wafer-level near-infrared micro-camera.” In Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications V, vol. 9609, p. 96090O. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2015). DOI: 10.1117/12.2193179.
(BEST PAPER AWARD Presented at: SPIE Optics+ Photonics Conference 9609: Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications V). - A. Sood, G. Pethuraja, R. Welser, Y. Puri, N. Dhar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, J. Lewis, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and F. Schubert. “Development of large area nanostructured antireflection coatings for EO/IR sensor applications.” In Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications V, vol. 9609, p. 96090D. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2015). DOI: 10.1117/12.2214877.
- A. Chaudhari, R Vispute T. Murray, and H. Efstathiadis, “Crystalline Al2O3 on buffered soda-lime glass by e-beam”, Materials Letters 136, 407-410, (2014).
- I. Lund, J. Lee, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and R Geer, “The cycling performance and surface passivation qualities of a heterogeneous amorphous NixSiOy/polycrystalline NiSi2 core shell nanowire used as a Li-ion battery anode”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 161(12): A1772-A1776 (2014).
- J. Mathews, A. Akey, D. Recht, G. Malladi, H Efstathiadis, M. Aziz, and J. Warrender, “On the limits to Ti incorporation into Si using pulsed laser melting”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 104, 112102 (2014)
- A. Sood, I. Lund, Y. Puri, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, N. Dhar, D. Polla, M. Dubey, and E. Zakar. “A review of growth, functionalization, and use of graphene for detection applications.” In International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 5, no. 2 (2014): 133-150.
- A. Chaudhari, R. D. Vispute, H. Efstathiadis, “Extremely Highly Textured MgO [111] Crystalline Films on Soda-Lime Glass by E-Beam”, Materials Letters 121 47-49 (2014).
- I. Lund, J-H Lee, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, R. E Geer, “Influence of Catalyst Layer Thickness on the Growth of Nickel Silicide Nanowires and its Application for Li-Ion Batteries”, Journal of Power Sources, 246 117-123 (2014).
- J. Alexander, S. Higashirya, D. Caskey, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Deposition and characterization of cadmium sulfide (CdS) by chemical bath deposition using an alternative chemistry cadmium precursor”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 125 47–53 (2014).
- J. Zeller, Y. Puri, A. Sood, S. McMahon, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and N. Dhar. “Design and development of SiGe based near-infrared photodetectors.” In Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications IV, vol. 9220, p. 922006. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2014). DOI: 10.1117/12.2083538.
- D. Fobare, P. Haldar, H. Efstathiadis, D. Metacarpa, J. Wax, J. Olenick, K. Olenick, V. Venkateswaran, “Novel Application of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia as a Substrate for Thin Film CIGS Solar Cells”, in: Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 341-344, 10.1109/PVSC.2014.6924927 (2014).
- Z. Zhao, L. Rice, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Annealing and thickness related performance and degradation of polymer solar cells”, Microelectronics Reliability, 53, 123–128, (2013).
- G. Pethuraja, A. Sood, R. Welser, A. K. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and J. Harrvey, “Large-Area Nanostructured Self-Assembled Antireflection Coatings for Photovoltaic Devices”, in: Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp 99-102 (2013) DOI:10.1109/PVSC.2013.6744108.
- S. Teehan, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Thermoelectric power factor enhancement of AZO/In-AZO quantum well multilayer structures as compared to bulk films” Journal of Alloys and Compounds”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 539 129–136 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.04.029
- G. Pethuraja, R. Welser, A. Sood, C Lee, N Alexander, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and J. Harvey, “Current-Voltage Characteristics of ITO/p-Si and ITO/n-Si Contact Interfaces” Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry, 2, 2, 59-62 (2012).
- G. Pethuraja, R. Welser, A. Sood, C. Lee, N. Alexander, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, J. Harvey, “Effect of Ge incorporation on band gap and photosensitivity of amorphous SiGe thin films”, Materials Science and Applications, 3, 2, 67-71 (2012). DOI: 10.1007/S11664-012-2084-8
- S. Teehan, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Thermoelectric Performance of ZnO:Al/ZnO:(Al,In) Quantum Well Multilayer Structures as a Function of Indium Composition and Band-Gap Offset at High Operating Temperatures” Journal of Alloys and Compounds”, J. Electr Mat. 41 1831–1837 (2012).
- G. Pethuraja, H. Efstathiadis, C. Rouse, M. Rane-Fondacaro, A. Sood and P. Haldar “Silicon Nanowire Development for Solar Cell Devices, in: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, pp. 001911-001916 (2012) DOI: 10.1109/PVSC.2012.6317967.
- S. Leonardi, A. Li Bassi, V. Russo, F. Difonzo, O. Paschos, T. Murray, H. Efstathiadis, J. Kunze, “TiO2 Nanotubes - Interdependence of Substrate Grain Orientation and Growth Characteristics", J. Phy Chem 116, 384-392, (2012). https://doi.org/10.1021/jp209418n
- S. Teehan, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Enhanced Power Factor of Indium Co-Doped ZnO:Al Thin Films Deposited by RF Sputtering for High Temperature Thermoelectrics” Journal of Alloys and Compounds”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509(3) 1094–1098 (2011).
- M. Hansen, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Development of smooth CuInGa precursor films for CuIn1-xGaxSe2 thin film solar cell applications”, Thin Solid Films 519, 19, 6297 – 6301 (2011).
- Z. Zhao, R. Teki, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Metal oxide buffer layer for improving performance of polymer solar cell”, Applied Surface Science 256 6053–6056 (2010).
- A. Nguyen, M. V. Rane-Fondacaro, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, L. Michaelson, C. Wang, K. Munoz, T. Tyson, A. Gallegos, “Formation of a Low Ohmic Contact Nickel Silicide Layer on Textured Silicon Wafers Using Electroless Nickel Plating”, in: Proceedings of the 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2672-2675, ISBN 3-936338-26-4 (2010).
- D. Dwyer, R. Sun, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Characterization of Chemical Bath Deposited Buffer Layers for Thin Film Solar Cell Applications”, Physica Status Solidi A 207, 10, 2272 (2010).
- M. Mazumder, T. Borca-Tasciuc, S. Teehan, E. Stinzianni, H. Efstathiadis, and S. Solovyov, “Temperature dependent thermal conductivity of Si/SiC superlattice”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 96 093103 (2010).
- D. Dwyer, I. Repins, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Selenization of Co-sputtered CuInAl Precursors”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 94, 598-605 (2010).
- Z. Zhao, R. Teki, N. Koratkar, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Metal Oxide Buffer Layer for Improving Performance of Polymer Solar Cells”, Applied Surface Science, 256, pp 6053-6056 (2010).
- E. A. Stinzianni, H. Efstathiadis, K. A. Dunn, and P. Haldar, “Role of Temperature and Duration of the Crystallization Anneal in the Texture Development of YBCO Prepared by TFA-MOD, Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on, 19, 3, 3, 2877-2881, (2009).
- Z. Zhao, L. Rice, H. Efstathiadis and P. Haldar, “Thickness Dependent Effects of Thermal Annealing and Solvent Vapor Treatment of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaics”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1123, (2009).
- C. Lee, H. Efstathiadis, J. Raynolds, P. Haldar, “Two-dimensional Computer Modeling of Single Junction a-Si:H Solar Cells”, in: Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 1118-1122 (2009).
- E. Stinzianni, K. Dunn, Z. Zhouying, M. Rane-Fondacaro, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Relationship of Aluminum Grain Size to the Grain Size of Polycrystalline Silicon Produced By the Aluminum-Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon”, in: Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 1643-1648 (2009).
- A. Nguyen, H. Efstathiadis, A. Fioramonti, D. Morrissey, P. Haldar, “Feasibility of Improving Front Metallization Lines for Photovoltaic Devices”, in: Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 312-315 (2009).
- D. Dwyer, I. Repins, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Deposition of CuInAlSe2 films using co-sputtered precursors and selenization”, in: Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 247–251 (2009).
- O. Paschos, P. Choi, H. Efstathiadis and P. Haldar, “Synthesis of Platinum Nanoparticles by Aerosol Assisted Deposition Method”, Thin Solid Films 516, pp. 3796-3801, (2008).
- M. Patel, S. Guo, A. Stavrides, J. Cambridge, L. Le, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and A. E. Delahoy, “Deposition of Large Area, Directly Textured, ZnO:Al Films by Reactive-Environment, Hollow Cathode Sputtering”, Electronics, in: Proceedings of the 33rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2008). DOI:10.1109/PVSC.2008.4922812
- L. Rice, Z. Zhao, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Thickness Dependent Effects of Thermal Annealing and Solvent Vapor Treatment of Poly (3-hexylthiophene) and Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaics”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, MA (2008).
- S. Anwar, A. Peskin, H. Dhillon, and H. Efstathiadis, "An Innovative Undergraduate Nanoscience and Technology Program for Adult Learners", E-Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education/ Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, Annual Conference Proceedings (2008).
- M. Mazumder, Theodorian Borca-Tascicuc, H. Efstathiadis and T. Yu, “Thermal conductivity measurement of silicon/ silicon carbide superlattice”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 861, 9 (2008)
- C. V. Varanasi, L. Brunke, J. Burke, I. Maartense, N. Padmaja, H. Efstathiadis, A Chaney and P. Barnes, “Biaxially Textured Constantan Alloy (Cu 55 wt%, Ni 44 wt%, Mn 1 wt%) Substrates for YBa2Cu3O7-x coated conductors”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19, pp. 896-901, (2006).
- Y. Xu, C. H. Lei, B. Ma, H. Evans, H. Efstathiadis, M. Rane, M. Massey, U. Balachandran and R. Bhattacharya, “Growth of Textured MgO Through e-beam Evaporation and Inclined Substrate Deposition”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19, pp 835-843 (2006).
- Hua Ye, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Numerical Thermal Simulation of Cryogenic Power Modules Under Liquid Nitrogen Cooling” J. Electron. Packag., 128 (3), pp 267-272 (2006).
- H. Efstathiadis, T. Yu, P. Haldar and R. Matyi, “Si/SiC Multilayers for Thermoelectric generators – A high resolution x-ray reflectometry study”, 8th Biennial Conference proceedings on High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging, Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden (Germany) (2006).
- S. Gallis, M. Huang, H. Efstathiadis, E. Eisenbraun, E. Nyein, U. Hommerich, and A. E. Kaloyeros, “Photoluminescence in erbium doped amorphous silicon oxycarbide thin films”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 87, 091901 (2005).
- G. Sirinakis, R. Siddique, K. Dunn, H. Efstathiadis, M. Carpenter, A. E. Kaloyeros, and L. Sun, “Spectroellipsometric Characterization of Au- Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 Nanocomposite Films”, J. Mat. Res. 20 (12) pp 3320-3328 (2005).
- P. Haldar, H. Ye, H. Efstathiadis, J. Raynolds, M. J. Hennessy, O. M. Mueller, and E. K. Mueller, “Improving Performance of Cryogenic Power Electronics”, Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on, 15 (2), pp. 2370-2375 (2005).
- M. V. Rane, H. Efstathiadis, H. Bakhru, M. W. Rupich, X. Li, W. Zhang, T. Kodenkandath, and P. Haldar, “Fluorine Analysis and Microstructural Evolution in Coated YBCO Conductor Deposited by Metal Trifluoroacetate Process”, Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on, 16, pp. 2638-2641, (2005).
- T. Yu, H. Efstathiadis, R. Matyi, P. Haldar, S. Ghamaty and N, Elsner, “Large Area Deposition of Si/SiC Quantum Well Films for Thermoelectric Generator Applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 886, Boston, MA (2005).
- G. Sirinakis, L. Sun, R. Siddique, H. Efstathiadis, M. A. Carpenter, and A. E. Kaloyeros, “Synthesis and Spectroellipsometric Characterization of Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2-Au Nanocomposite Films for Smart Sensor Applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 846, 269-274, Boston, MA (2005).
- S. Galis, M. Huang, V. Nikas, H. Efstathiadis, E. Eisenbraun, E. Nyein, U. Hommerich, and A. E. Kaloyeros, “Erbium-doped Amorphous- Si-C-O Matrix (a-SiCxOy:Er) - A Novel Silicon-based Material for Near-infrared Optoelectronic Applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 866, San Francisco, CA (2005).
- B. Landi, P. Denno, R. DiLeo, W. VanDerveer, R. Raffaelle, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Carbon Nanotubes for Space Photovoltaic Applications”, 19th Space Photovoltaics Research and Technology (SPRAT) conference proceedings, Cleveland, OH (2005).
- S. Huang, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, H. G. Lee, B. Landi, and R. Raffaelle, “Fabrication of Nanorod Arrays for Organic Solar Cell Applications”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 836, 49-53, Boston, MA (2005).
- M. Hatzistergos, H. Efstathiadis, J. Reeves, V. Selvamanickam, L. Allen, E. Lifshin, and P. Haldar, “Microstructural and Compositional Analysis of YBCO films Grown by MOCVD Before and After GCIB Smoothing” Physica C, 405, pp. 179-186 (2004).
- L. Sun, J-C Fouere, T. Summet, M. Hatzistergos, and H. Efstathiadis, “Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Grazing x-ray Reflectrometry Analyses on Tungsten Carbide Films for Diffusion Barrier in Copper Metallization Schemes”, Thin Solid Films, 455-456, pp. 519-524, (2004). DOI:10.1016/j.tsf.2004.01.058.
- S. Gallis, H. Efstathiadis, M. Huang, E. Nyein, U. Hommerich, and A. E. Kaloyeros, “Photoluminescence at 1540 nm from Erbium-Doped Amorphous Silicon Carbide Films”, J. Mat. Res., 19(8), pp. 2389-2393, (2004).
- L. Sun, J. Garvey, R. DeLeon, G. Tompa, R. Moore, and H. Efstathiadis, “Optical Properties of Hafnium Oxide Films Grown by Laser Assisted Molecular Beam Deposition”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 811 Boston, MA (2004).
- S. Gallis, H. Efstathiadis, M. Huang, A. E. Kaloyeros, E. Nyein, and U. Hommerich, “Room-Temperature Photoluminescence at 1540 nm From Amorhous Silicon Carbide Films Implanted With Erbium”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 815, 181-186, Boston, MA (2004).
- S. Huang, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, H. G. Lee, B. Landi and R. Raffaelle, “Investigation of Nanostructure-Polymer Blend Solar Cells”, 2nd International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC) Proceedings, 12, 232-236, Providence, RI (2004).
- M. S. Hatzistergos, H. Efstathiadis, E. Lifshin, A. Kaloyeros, J. Reeves and V. Selvamanickam, L. Allen and R. MacCrimmon, “Microstructural and Electrical Characterization of Gas Cluster Ion Beam Smoothed YBCO Films”, Applied Superconductivity, IEEE transactions on 13, pp. 2470-2473, (2003).
- S. Gallis, U. Futschik, W. Sherwood, S. Hayes, C. G. Fountzoulas, J. Castracane, A. E. Kaloyeros, and H. Efstathiadis, “Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Carbide Films as Protective Coatings for Microfluidic Structures”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 742, 85-90, Boston, MA (2003).
- R. DeLeon, J. Garvey, G. Tompa, R. Moore and H. Efstathiadis, “Laser Assisted Molecular Beam Deposition of Thin Films for Gate Dielectrics Applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 768, 93-98, Boston, MA (2003).
- C. Fountzoulas, S. Tidrow, M. Hatzistergos, and H. Efstathiadis, “Effect of Deposition Parameters on the Microstructural Evolution and Electrical Properties of Charge-Balanced Barium Strontium Titanate Ferroelectric Thin Films Deposited on Ceramic Substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 784, 287-292, Boston, MA (2003).
- M. Hatzistergos, H. Efstathiadis, A. E. Kaloyeros, J. Reeves, V. Selvamanickam, L. Allen, and R. MacCrimmon, “Microstructural and Compositional Evolution of High Temperature Superconducting Films”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 784, Boston, MA (2002).
- U. Futschik, H. Efstathiadis, J. Castracane, and A. E. Kaloyeros, L. Macdonald, S. Hayes, and C. Fountzoulas, “A Novel Silicon-carbon Precursor for Oligomer Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Carbide for Harsh Environmental Applications” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 697, 153-158, Boston, MA (2001).
- K. Dovidenko, S. Beasor, A. Topol, H. Efstathiadis, S. Oktyabrsky and A. Kaloyeros, “Interfacial Effects in VO/Al/Si(100) Thin Film Heterostructures”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, 654, 1-6, MA (2000).
- S. Skordas, G. Sirinakis, W. Yu, D. Wu, H. Efstathiadis and A. E. Kaloyeros, “Low Temperature Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Nitride Thin Films for Microelectronics Applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 606, 109-114, Boston, MA (2000).
- K. Barth, J. Lau, H. Efstathiadis, G. Peterson, G. Nuesca, A. Kaloyeros, R. Tuenge, and C. King, “Metal-organic Chemical Vapor Depositions of SrS:Cu for Applications in Electroluminescent Devices”, Information Display Soc. Symp. Proc. (1998).
- Topol, H. Efstathiadis, G. Nuesca, S. Lane, B. Taylor, K. Barth, J. Lau, G. Peterson, R. Tuenge, C. King, and A. Kaloyeros, “Metal-organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of ZnS:Mn Films for Thin Film Electroluminescent devices”, Information Display Soc. Symp. Proc. (1998).
- H. Efstathiadis, Z. Akkerman, and F. Smith, “Atomic bonding in amorphous alloys based on carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen: A thermodynamic approach Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 446: 395-400 (1997).
- H. Efstathiadis, Z. Akkerman, and F. Smith, “Studies of the growth and local atomic bonding of a-CxNyHz films” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 498: 277-282, (1997)
- H. Efstathiadis, Z. Akkerman, and F. Smith, “Atomic Bonding in Amorphous Carbon Alloys: A Thermodynamic Approach”, J. Appl. Phys. 79, pp. 2954-2967 (1996).
- Z. L. Akkerman, H. Efstathiadis, and F. Smith, “Thermal stability of Diamond-like carbon films”, J. Appl. Phys. 80, 5, pp. 3068-3075 (1996).
- Z. Akkerman, H. Efstathiadis, F. Smith, “Thermodynamic modeling of atomic bonding in covalent Cx(BN)1-x alloys”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 410: 217-222 (1996).
- H. Efstathiadis, Z. Akkerman, F. Smith, “Characterization of amorphous carbon films based on carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 415: 51-56 (1996).
- H. Efstathiadis and F. W. Smith, “Thermodynamic Modeling of the Local Atomic Order in Amorphous Alloys Based on Silicon and Germanium”, Philosophical Magazine B, 70, pp. 547-556 (1994).
- F. Smith, H. Efstathiadis H, Z. Yin, “Dangling bonds in amorphous silicon nitride alloys: Predictions of the free energy model”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 284: 95-100 (1993).
- H. Efstathiadis, Z. Yin, and F. W. Smith, “Atomic bonding in amorphous hydrogenated silicon carbide alloys: A statistical thermodynamic approach”, Physical Review B 46 (20), pp. 13119-13130 (1992).
Professional Presentations
- Y. Kumaran, I. Gherasoiu, and H. Efstathiadis “Transition Metal-based Bifunctional Electrode Material for Overall Water Splitting” Northern New England Materials Research Conference (2022).
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, U. Philipose, A. Syllaios, L. Chaudhary and H. Efstathiadis, “Design and Development of Innovative Vanadium Oxide, CNT, and Graphene Based High-performance Microbolometer”, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications XII, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, CA (2022).
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, A. Sood, P. Ghuman, S. Gunapala, A. Soibel, D Ting, L. Chaudhary and H. Efstathiadis, “Nanostructured Antireflection Coating Technology for Enhanced MWIR and LWIR Band Sensing Performance”, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications XII, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, CA (2022).
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, N. Dhar, S. Ganguly, R. Jacobs, L. Chaudhary and H. Efstathiadis, “High-performance Graphene-enhanced HgCdTe Mid-wave Infrared Photodetector Development”, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications XII, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, CA (2022).
- S. Higashiya, U. Manana, K. Shah, L. Chaudhary, M. Chebuske, A. Hagazy, H. Bakhru, F. Gittleson and H. Efstathiadis, “Analysis of SEI Formation and Fast Charging on Lithium Loss in NMC/Graphite Cells”, Fast Charging in Electrochemical Systems - Batteries and Supercapacitors, 240 Electrochemical Society Meeting, Virtual Conference, (2021).
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, N. Dhar, R Jacobs, S. Ganguly, A. Ghosh, L. Chaudhary and H. Efstathiadis, “Development of High-performance Graphene-HgCdTe Detector Technology for Mid wave Infrared Applications” SPIE Optics + Photonics, 11831-6, San Diego, CA (2021).
- A. Sood, J. W. Zeller, A. Sood, R. E. Welser, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, S. Gunapala, L. Chaudhary and H. Efstathiadis, “Development of UV to IR Band Nanostructured Antireflection Coating Technology for Improved Detector and Sensor Performance”, SPIE Optics + Photonics, 11831-13, San Diego, CA (2021).
- M. Chebuske, S. Higashiya, F. Gittleson, and H. Efstathiadis, “Measurements of Lithium Profile on Solid Electrolyte Interface using Nuclear Reaction Analysis technic”, Fall Energy Storage Technology and Innovation Conference, Virtual Conference, Binghamton, NY (2020).
- M. Millares, H. Frost, M. Chebuske, K. Shah, D. Sadana, H. Bakhru and H. Efstathiadis, “Structural Analysis of Li1-xAlxTi2-x(PO4)3Thin Films for All-Solid-State Li-ion Battery Applications, Physics of Corona viruses, 122nd Topical Symposium of the New York State Section of the American Physical Society, Virtual Conference, Albany, NY (2020).
- K. Shah, H. Efstathiadis, I. Gherasoiu, M. Fasullo, “Solid State Electric Field Air Filter for Face Masks”, Physics of Corona viruses, 122nd Topical Symposium of the New York State Section of the American Physical Society, Virtual Conference, Albany, NY (2020).
- M. Chebuske, S. Higashiya, H. Bakhru, F. S. Gittleson and H. Efstathiadis, “Quantifying Immobile Lithium at the Graphite Anode Surface from Formation to Fast Charging”, A04- Electrolytes, Interfaces, and Interphases, Electrochemical Society PRiME, Virtual Conference, (2020).
- M. Millares, H. Frost, M. Chebuske, K. Shah, Y. Andugula, S. Flottman, S. Higashiya, D. Sadana, and H. Efstathiadis, “Structural analysis of Li1+xAlxTi2-x(PO4)3 thin films for all-solid-state Li-ion battery applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, MA (2019).
- H. Frost, M. Millares, K. Shah, Y. Andugula, S. Flottman, S. Higashiya, D. Sadana, H. Efstathiadis, “Investigations of thermal processing of NASICON-like lithium-ionic conductors for all-solid Li-ion batteries”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, MA (2019).
- K. Shah and H. Efstathiadis, “Efficacy of Thin-Film MgO and SiO2 Layers in Prevention of Mo Diffusion at Elevated Temperature”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, MA (2019).
- M. Altwerger, Y. Andugula, I. Gherasoiu, and H. Efstathiadis, “Infrared Reflecting/Transmitting Smart Glass For Energy Efficient Windows”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, MA (2019).
- S. Flottman1, M. Chebuske1, D. M DeRosa1, S. Higashiya, and H. Efstathiadis, K. B. Antonopoulos, F. Maglia, F. S Gittleson and O. Paschos, “Investigating SEI Formation Methods on the Graphite Anode Interface Using Nuclear Reaction Analysis”, vol. MA2019-02, A05-Lithium Ion Batteries, 236 Electrochemical Society Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2019).
- G. Pethuraja, A. Sood, J. Zeller, R. Welser, A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Wijewarnasuriya, “Broadband antireflection coatings for advanced sensing and imaging applications,” Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications VI, SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing (DCS), Baltimore, MD, (April 2019).
- M. Altwerger, I. Gherasoiu and H. Efstathiadis, "Field Effect Smart-Glass for Near Infrared Reflection and Transmission", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, MA (2018).
- P. Schneider, I. Gherasoiu and H. Efstathiadis, "Carbon Films for Corrosion Resistant Photoelectrochemical Cells", IEEE Nanotechnology Symposium, Albany, NY (Fall 2018).
- J. Claypoole, M. Altwerger, S. Flottman, and H. Efstathiadis, “Characterization of N type Si Doped ZnO and ZnO Thin Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering” IEEE Nanotechnology Symposium, Albany, NY (Fall 2018).
- H. Frost, S. Flottman, and H. Efstathiadis, “Fabrication process validation and investigations of lithium-ionic conductors for solid electrolyte Li-ion batteries”, 12th IEEE Nanotechnology Symposium, Albany, NY (Fall 2018).
- J. Claypoole, M. Altwerger, S. Flottman, and H. Efstathiadis, “Characterization of n-type Si doped ZnO and ZnO thin films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering”, American Vacuum Soc., Hudson Mohawk Chapter Albany, NY (Fall 2018)
- W. Chackalis, M. Altwerger, I. Gherasoiu and H. Efstathiadis, “Photoelectrochemical water dissociation”, 11th IEEE Nanotechnology Symposium, Albany, NY (Fall 2017).
- E. Sanaia, G. Bokuchava, and H. Efstathiadis, “Novel synthesis route for MgB2-based superconductors”, 11th IEEE Nanotechnology Symposium, Albany, NY (Fall 2017).
- W. Chackalis, M. Altwerger , I. Gherasoiu and H. Efstathiadis “Resilient tandem cell for photoelectrochemical water dissociation” 11th IEEE Nanotechnology Symposium, Albany, NY (Fall 2017).
- M. Altwerger, I. Gherasoiu, and H. Efstathiadis, “Field Enhanced Near Infrared Reflectors”, 11th IEEE Nanotechnology Symposium, Albany, NY (Fall 2017).
- S. Flottman, J. Claypoole, and H. Efstathiadis Characterization and Analysis of Aluminum Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films, 11th IEEE Nanotechnology Symposium, Albany, NY (Fall 2017).
- J. Zeller, A. Sood, C. Rouse, H. Efstathiadis, N. Dhar, and P. Wijewarnasuriya, “Germanium Photodetectors Fabricated on 300 mm Silicon Wafers for Near-Infrared Focal Plane Arrays.” SPIE Optics & Photonics, 09 August 2017, San Diego, CA, Conference 9974: Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications VII.
- J. Zeller, A. Sood, C. Rouse, H. Efstathiadis, N. Dhar, and P. Wijewarnasuriya, “Development of Germanium Photodetectors on 300 mm Silicon Wafers for Near-Infrared Sensing.” 26th Annual Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics & Optoelectronics, 05 April 2017, Storrs, CT. (Invited).
- M. Altwerger, I. Gherasoiu, and H. Efstathiadis, “Near Infrared Reflectors as Smart Glass for Solar Panels/Buildings”, American Vacuum Soc., Hudson Mohawk Chapter Troy, NY (Spring 2017).
- C. Philippi, John Zeller, Harry Efstathiadis, Pradeep Haldar, Ashok Sood, “Development and TCAD Simulations of Ge p-i-n Infrared Detectors”, Spring Meeting American Vacuum Soc., Hudson Mohawk Chapter Troy, NY (Spring 2017).
- J. Claypoole, S. Novak, M. Altwerger, D. Dwyer, P. Haldar, M. Eisaman, and H. Efstathiadis, “Analysis of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Thin Film Absorber Layers using Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy”, American Vacuum Soc., Hudson Mohawk Chapter Troy, NY (Fall 2016).
- J. Zeller, A. Sood, C. Rouse, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, J. Lewis, N. Dhar, and P. Wijewarnasuriya, “Development of Low Dark Current SiGe Near-infrared PIN Photodetectors on 300 mm Silicon Wafers.” SPIE Optics & Photonics, 31 August 2016, San Diego, CA. Conference 9974: Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications VI.
- H. Efstathiadis, “CuInGaSe Thin Film Solar Cells”, 4th PSG-CNSE Seminar Series on Solar Energy Systems, Innovations & Business Entrepreneurship, PSGIM, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, India (August 2016) (Invited).
- J. Claypoole, S. Novak, M. Altwerger, D. Dwyer, P. Haldar, M. Eisaman, and H. Efstathiadis, “Surface and Depth Profile Characterization of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 (CIGS) Thin Film Absorber Layers for Photovoltaic Applications”, American Vacuum Soc., Surface Analysis Conference Albany, NY (Summer 2016).
- J. Zeller, C. Rouse, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, J. Lewis, N. Dhar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, Y. Puri, A. Sood, “Development of Germanium Based Near-Infrared Photodetectors on 12” Silicon Wafers.” Spring Meeting of the AVS Hudson Mohawk Chapter, Niskayuana, NY (May 2016).
- J. Zeller, C. Rouse, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, J. Lewis, N. Dhar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, Y. Puri, A. Sood, “Development of silicon-germanium visible-near infrared arrays”, SPIE Defense & Commercial Sensing Conference, Baltimore, MD (April 2016).
- G. Pethuraja, R. Welser A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, N. Dhar “Development of Nanostructure Antireflection Coatings for EO/IR Sensor Applications”, SPIE Defense & Commercial Sensing Conference, Baltimore, MD (April 2016).
- A. Sood, I. Lund, J. Zeller, Y Puri, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, N. Dhar, J. Lewis, P. Wijewarnasuriya, “Development of Graphene Based Detectors for EO/IR Applications”, SPIE Defense & Commercial Sensing Conference, Baltimore, MD (April 2016).
- R. LaForest, I. Gherasoiu, D. White, and H. Efstathiadis, “P-TECH: A New Model for an Integrated Engineering Technology Education”, St. Lawrence Section of the American Society for Engineering Education, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (April 2016).
- J. Warrender, Q. Hudspeth, H. Efstathiadis, J. Mathews, “Extending silicon’s infrared response through laser hyperdoping with gold”, American Physical Society Meeting (2016).
- B. Sperry, J. Alexander, and H. Efstathiadis, “Nanostructured Catalyst of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell”, American Vacuum Soc. Hudson Mohawk Chapter, Schenectady, NY (Fall 2015).
- I. Mori, J. Claypoole, and H. Efstathiadis, “Thin Film Solar Cells”, American Vacuum Soc. Hudson Mohawk Chapter, Schenectady, NY (Fall 2015).
- H. Efstathiadis, “Challenges in Solar Cells Technology”, Seminar on Solar Installations, Economics, Business Opportunities and New Trends in Solar Energy Systems, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, India (August 2015) (Guest of Honor).
- H. Efstathiadis, “Silicon Solar Cell Technologies and Solar Modules”, Seminar on Solar Installations, Economics, Business Opportunities and New Trends in Solar Energy Systems, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, India (August 2015) (INVITED).
- S. McMahon , A. Chaudhari, Z. Zhouying, and H. Efstathiadis, “Highly textured (111) crystalline silicon thin films on flexible glass via heteroepitaxial growth by e-beam evaporation”, American Vacuum Soc., Hudson Mohawk Chapter Albany, NY (Spring 2015).
- J. Alexander, N. Sun, R. Sun, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Deposition and Characterization of transparent and conductive InZnO films by Magnetron Sputtering at Room Temperature”, American Vacuum Soc., Hudson Mohawk Chapter Albany, NY (Spring 2015).
- G. Pethuraja, R. Welser, J. Zeller, Y. Puri, A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, N. Dhar, and P. Wijewarnasuriya, “Nanostructured Antireflection Coating for Optical Detection and Sensor Applications” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., San Francisco, CA (2015).
- G. Pethuraja, R. Welser, J. Zeller, Y. Puri, A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, J. Harvey, “Advanced Flexible CIGS Solar Cells Enhanced by Broadband Nanostructured Antireflection Coatings”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., San Francisco, CA (2015).
- G. Pethuraja, R. Welser, J. Zeller, Y. Puri, A. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and J. Harvey, “Antireflection coatings for enhancing power output of solar panels”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., San Francisco, CA (2015).
- I. Gherasoiu, M. Abdallah, D. Das, D. Jones, and H. Efstathiadis, “Nanotechnology Education at SUNY Poly”, St. Lawrence Section of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY (April 2015).
- R. Sun, N. Sun, T. Dhakal, P. Rajbhandari, R. Tobias, M. Hatzistergos and H. Efstathiadis, “Development and Characterization of Copper Zinc Tin Sulfide (CZTS) Thin Films for Solar Cells Applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, MA (2014)
- R. Sun, N. Sun, J. Alexander and H. Efstathiadis, “Indium doped Zinc Oxide as a transparent conductor oxide replacement for thin film solar cells applications”, 61st American Vacuum Society Symposium, Baltimore, MD (2014)
- I. Lund, J. Lee, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and R Geer, “The cycling performance and surface passivation qualities of a heterogeneous amorphous NixSiOy/polycrystalline NiSi2 core shell nanowire used as a Li-ion battery anode”, 46th Power Sources conference Orland, FL (2014).
- H. Efstathiadis, “Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications”, 11th Annual CNY Engineering Expo Symposium, Syracuse, NY (November 2014), (Invited).
- H. Efstathiadis, “Nano-Structured Electrodes for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Applications”, Capital Mechanical Engineering & Energy Symposium, ASME – Hudson Mohawk section, Albany, NY (October 2014), (Invited).
- H. Efstathiadis, “Silicon Solar Programs and Results”, Silicon Solar Consortium, Atlanta, GA (September, 2014).
- J. Zeller, Y. Puri, A. Sood, S. McMahon, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and N. Dhar, “Design and development of SiGe based near-infrared photodetectors”, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA (August 2014).
- J. Zeller, Y. Puri, A. Sood, S. McMahon, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and Nibir K. Dhar, “Design and Development of Wafer-Level Short Wavelength Micro-Camera”, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA (August 2014).
- H. Efstathiadis, Manufacturing of Thin Film Solar Cell Devices on Flexible Substrates, World Green Energy Symposium – The Power of Energy, Niagara Falls, NY (April 2014), (Invited).
- D. Fobare, P. Haldar, H. Efstathiadis, D. Metacarpa, J. Wax, J. Olenick, K. Olenick, V. Venkateswaran, “Novel Application of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia as a Substrate for Thin Film CIGS Solar Cells”, in: Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Denver, CO (2014).
- J. Pater, H. Efstathiadis, K. Matthews, S. Novak, and M. Yakimov, "Application of Capacitance-Voltage Measurements for Dopant Concentration Assessment in Silicon Solar Cell Devices." Advanced Manufacturing Conference, Troy, NY (April 2014).
- S. McMahon, Z. Zhouying, R. Matyi, A. Chaudhari, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar,“Highly oriented crystalline silicon via heteroepitaxial growth for thin film solar cell applications”, Advanced Manufacturing Conference, Troy, NY (April 2014).
- H. Efstathiadis, Li-ion Batteries and Fuel Cells, SUNY Network of Excellence in Materials & Advanced Manufacturing – Materials (and manufacturing) for electrochemical devices, Syracuse NY (March 2014), (INVITED).
- H. Efstathiadis, Development of Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications, Capital Mechanical Engineering & Energy Symposium, ASME – Hudson Mohawk section, (October 2013), (INVITED).
- H. Efstathiadis, C. Rouse, Z. Zhao, J-U Lee, and P. Haldar, Development of Nanomaterials for Solar Cell Devices, Tsukuba International Nanotechnology Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan (July 2013), (INVITED).
- G. Pethuraja, A. Sood, R. Welser, A. K. Sood, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and J. Harrvey, “Large-Area Nanostructured Self-Assembled Antireflection Coatings for Photovoltaic Devices”, in: Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Tampa, FL (2013).
- H. Efstathiadis, C. Rouse, and P. Haldar, Silicon Nanowires Development for Solar Cells Applications, Advanced Energy Conference, New York, NY, (April 2013).
- C. Rouse, P. Haldar, and H. Efstathiadis, “Silicon Nanowires from PV Applications”, Advanced Manufacturing Conference, Troy, NY (April 2013).
- H. Efstathiadis and P. Haldar, “Photovoltaics on flexible substrates”, US Patent and Trade Office, Invited, Alexandria, VA (July 2012).
- G. Pethuraja, H. Efstathiadis, C. Rouse, M. Rane-Fondacaro, A. Sood and P. Haldar “Silicon Nanowire Development for Solar Cell Devices, in: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Austin, TX (June 2012).
- H. Efstathiadis and P. Haldar, “Photovoltaics Manufacturing Consortium, Manufactiring Development Facility and Programs”, National Photovoltaic Centers Networking Meeting, 38th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Austin, TX (June 2012).
- H. Efstathiadis, R. Goodman, and P. Haldar, “Photovoltaics Manufacturing Initiative, A way to increase and speed up implementation of CIGS”, PHOTON 4th international conference in Thin Films, San Francisco, CA (February 2012).
- H. Efstathiadis and P. Haldar, “The US PV Manufacturing Consortium – Bringing the Supply Chain Collaboration Together in the US”, Energy Frontiers Focus Topic: Photovoltaic Manufacturing, American Vacuum Society Meeting, INVITED, Nashville, TN (November 2011).
- H. Efstathiadis, N. Alexander, P. Haldar, “Development of CuInGaSe2 and CuInAlSe2 Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications “Advanced Energy Conference Buffalo, NY (October 2011).
- H. Efstathiadis, “US Department of Energy PV Manufacturing Initiative – A Path Towards Supply Chain Collaboration in the US”, 11th Annual Symposium on Environmental & Energy Systems, Syracuse, NY (October 2011).
- C. Lee, M. Rane-Fondacaro, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Effect of Ex-situ Hydrogen Passivation on the Structural Properties of E-beam Evaporated Amorphous Silicon Thin Film for Solar Cell Applications” 19th University Conference on Glass Science: Glasses for Energy Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (August 2011).
- S. Teehan, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Thermoelectric Power of RF Sputtered AZO/In-AZO Quantum Well Multilayer Structures and The Dependency on Band-Gap Offset and Operating Temperature”, The 30th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Traverse City, MI (July 2011).
- H. Efstathiadis and P. Haldar, “Photovoltaics on flexible substrates”, DOE – Quadrennial Technology Review, Clean Electricity Workshop Boulder, CO INVITED (June 2011).
- H. Efstathiadis, “Potential Ideas for Cyber Energy Technology R&D Projects”, Cyber Energy Program, US Air Force, Rome, NY (May 2011).
- Z. Zhao, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Improving the Performance of Polymer/Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaics”, Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship in the Hudson Valley Conference, SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge, NY (April, 2011).
- S. Teehan, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Thermoelectric Power Factor Enhancement of AZO/In-AZO Quantum Well Multilayer Structures Over Bulk Films and Their Dependence on Low Interface Roughness”, Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship in the Hudson Valley Conference, SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge, NY (April, 2011).
- A. Nguyen, M. Rane, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar “Formation of a low ohmic contact nickel silicide layer on textured silicon wafers using electroless nickel plating”, Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship in the Hudson Valley Conference, SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge, NY (April, 2011).
- C. Lee, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Two dimensional computer simulation of a-Si thin film solar cell device for high efficiency device development”, Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship in the Hudson Valley Conference, SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge, NY (April, 2011).
- D. Dwyer, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Development of Wide Band Gap Absorbers for Thin Film Solar Cell Applications”, Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship in the Hudson Valley Conference, SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge, NY (April, 2011).
- J. N. Alexander, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Tunable band gap materials for thin film photovoltaic applications”, Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship in the Hudson Valley Conference, SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge, NY (April, 2011).
- H. Efstathiadis, “Overview of Solar Cell Programs at CNSE”, Research Center (Oppama) NISSAN Motor Co., Ltd., Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa, JAPAN (Feb., 2011)
- A. Nguyen, M. V. Rane-Fondacaro, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, L. Michaelson, C. Wang, K. Munoz, T. Tyson, A. Gallegos, “Formation of a Low Ohmic Contact Nickel Silicide Layer on Textured Silicon Wafers Using Electroless Nickel Plating”, 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Valencia, Spain (2010).
- H. Efstathiadis, “Development of CuInGaSe2 and CuInAlSe2 Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications” Joint CNSE – Japan National Institute for Materials – University of Tsukuba Science Workshop on Advanced Materials Research for Nanotechnology”, Albany, NY December 2009 (INVITED).
- Z. Zhao, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Enhancing Performance of Polymer/Fullerene Based Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Devices” New York State Future Energy Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY May 2009.
- H. Efstathiadis, “Role of Nanotechnology advanced in Green building and Photovoltaics”, 4th Economic Summit Quebec/New York, Montreal, Canada 2009 (INVITED).
- H. Efstathiadis, “Nanotechnology and Photovoltaics”, International 2008 Bioenergy Days Congress, Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN 2009 (INVITED).
- H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Powering the Future with Nanotechnology”, International Electronics Packaging Symposium, General Electric Global Research, Schenectady, NY 2009 (INVITED).
- Z. Zhao, L. Rice, H. Efstathiadis and P. Haldar, “Thickness Dependent Effects of Thermal Annealing and Solvent Vapor Treatment of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaics”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Boston, MA (2009).
- E. Stinzianni, K. Dunn, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Relationship of Aluminum Grain Size to the Grain Size of Polycrystalline Silicon Produced By the Aluminum-Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon”, 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2009).
- A. Nguyen, H. Efstathiadis, A. Fioramonti, D. Morrissey, P. Haldar, “Feasibility of Improving Front Metallization Lines for Photovoltaic Devices”, 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2009).
- D. Dwyer, I. Repins, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Deposition of CuInAlSe2 films using co-sputtered precursors and selenization”, 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2009).
- C. Lee, H. Efstathiadis, J. E. Raynolds, P. Haldar, “Two-dimensional Computer Modeling of Single Junction a-Si:H Solar Cells”, in: Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2009).
- M. Patel, S. Guo, A. Stavrides, J. Cambridge, L. Le, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, and A. E. Delahoy, “Deposition of Large Area, Directly Textured, ZnO:Al Films by Reactive-Environment, Hollow Cathode Sputtering” Electronics, in: Proceedings of the 33rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2008).
- L. Rice, Z. Zhao, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, “Thickness Dependent Effects of Thermal Annealing and Solvent Vapor Treatment of Poly (3-hexylthiophene) and Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaics”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, MA (2008).
- S. Anwar, A. Peskin, H. Dhillon, and H. Efstathiadis, "An Innovative Undergraduate Nanoscience and Technology Program for Adult Learners", E-Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education/ Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, Annual Conference Proceedings (2008).
- M. Mazumder, Theodorian Borca-Tascicuc, H. Efstathiadis and T. Yu, “Thermal conductivity measurement of silicon/ silicon carbide superlattice”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 861, 9 (2008)
- Y. Xu, C. H. Lei, B. Ma, H. Evans, H. Efstathiadis, M. Rane, M. Massey, U. Balachandran and R. Bhattacharya, “Growth of Textured MgO Through e-beam Evaporation and Inclined Substrate Deposition”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19, pp 835-843 (2006).
- H. Efstathiadis, T. Yu, P. Haldar and R. Matyi, “Si/SiC Multilayers for Thermoelectric generators – A high resolution x-ray reflectometry study”, 8th Biennial Conference proceedings on High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging, Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden (Germany) (2006).
- G. Sirinakis, R. Siddique, K. Dunn, H. Efstathiadis, M. Carpenter, A. E. Kaloyeros, and L. Sun, “Spectroellipsometric Characterization of Au- Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 Nanocomposite Films”, J. Mat. Res. 20 (12) pp 3320-3328 (2005).
- P. Haldar, H. Ye, H. Efstathiadis, J. Raynolds, M. J. Hennessy, O. M. Mueller, and E. K. Mueller, “Improving Performance of Cryogenic Power Electronics”, Applied Superconductivity, IEEE conference (2005).
- M. V. Rane, H. Efstathiadis, H. Bakhru, M. W. Rupich, X. Li, W. Zhang, T. Kodenkandath, and P. Haldar, “Fluorine Analysis and Microstructural Evolution in Coated YBCO Conductor Deposited by Metal Trifluoroacetate Process”, Applied Superconductivity, IEEE conference, (2005).
- T. Yu, H. Efstathiadis, R. Matyi, P. Haldar, S. Ghamaty and N, Elsner, “Large Area Deposition of Si/SiC Quantum Well Films for Thermoelectric Generator Applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Boston, MA (2005).
- G. Sirinakis, L. Sun, R. Siddique, H. Efstathiadis, M. A. Carpenter, and A. E. Kaloyeros, “Synthesis and Spectroellipsometric Characterization of Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2-Au Nanocomposite Films for Smart Sensor Applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 846, 269-274, Boston, MA (2005).
- S. Gallis, M. Huang, V. Nikas, H. Efstathiadis, E. Eisenbraun, E. Nyein, U. Hommerich, and A. E. Kaloyeros, “Erbium-doped Amorphous- Si-C-O Matrix (a-SiCxOy:Er) - A Novel Silicon-based Material for Near-infrared Optoelectronic Applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 866, San Francisco, CA (2005).
- B. J. Landi, P. Denno, R. DiLeo, W. VanDerveer, R. Raffaelle, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, “Carbon Nanotubes for Space Photovoltaic Applications”, 19th Space Photovoltaics Research and Technology (SPRAT) conference proceedings, Cleveland, OH (2005).
- S. Huang, H. Efstathiadis, and P. Haldar, H. G. Lee, B. Landi, and R. Raffaelle, “Fabrication of Nanorod Arrays for Organic Solar Cell Applications”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 836, 49-53, Boston, MA (2005).
- L. Sun, J. Garvey, R. DeLeon, G. Tompa, R. Moore, and H. Efstathiadis, “Optical Properties of Hafnium Oxide Films Grown by Laser Assisted Molecular Beam Deposition”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 811 Boston, MA (2004).
- S. Gallis, H. Efstathiadis, M. Huang, A. E. Kaloyeros, E. Nyein, and U. Hommerich, “Room-Temperature Photoluminescence at 1540 nm From Amorhous Silicon Carbide Films Implanted With Erbium”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 815, 181-186, Boston, MA (2004).
- S. Huang, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, H. G. Lee, B. Landi and R. Raffaelle, “Investigation of Nanostructure-Polymer Blend Solar Cells”, 2nd International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC) Proceedings, 12, 232-236, Providence, RI (2004).
- M. S. Hatzistergos, H. Efstathiadis, E. Lifshin, A. Kaloyeros, J. Reeves and V. Selvamanickam, L. Allen and R. MacCrimmon, “Microstructural and Electrical Characterization of Gas Cluster Ion Beam Smoothed YBCO Films”, Applied Superconductivity, IEEE conference, (2003).
- S. Gallis, U. Futschik, W. Sherwood, S. Hayes, C. G. Fountzoulas, J. Castracane, A. E. Kaloyeros, and H. Efstathiadis, “Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Carbide Films as Protective Coatings for Microfluidic Structures”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 742, 85-90, Boston, MA (2003).
- R. DeLeon, J. Garvey, G. Tompa, R. Moore and H. Efstathiadis, “Laser Assisted Molecular Beam Deposition of Thin Films for Gate Dielectrics Applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 768, 93-98, Boston, MA (2003).
- C. Fountzoulas, S. Tidrow, M. Hatzistergos, and H. Efstathiadis, “Effect of Deposition Parameters on the Microstructural Evolution and Electrical Properties of Charge-Balanced Barium Strontium Titanate Ferroelectric Thin Films Deposited on Ceramic Substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 784, 287-292, Boston, MA (2003).
- M. Hatzistergos, H. Efstathiadis, A. E. Kaloyeros, J. Reeves, V. Selvamanickam, L. Allen, and R. MacCrimmon, “Microstructural and Compositional Evolution of High Temperature Superconducting Films”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, MA (2002).
- U. Futschik, H. Efstathiadis, J. Castracane, and A. E. Kaloyeros, L. Macdonald, S. Hayes, and C. Fountzoulas, “A Novel Silicon-carbon Precursor for Oligomer Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Carbide for Harsh Environmental Applications” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 697, 153-158, Boston, MA (2001).
- K. Dovidenko, S. Beasor, A. Topol, H. Efstathiadis, S. Oktyabrsky and A. Kaloyeros, “Interfacial Effects in VO/Al/Si(100) Thin Film Heterostructures”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Boston, 654, 1-6, MA (2000).
- S. Skordas, G. Sirinakis, W. Yu, D. Wu, H. Efstathiadis and A. E. Kaloyeros, “Low Temperature Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Nitride Thin Films for Microelectronics Applications”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 606, 109-114, Boston, MA (2000).
- K. Barth, J. Lau, H. Efstathiadis, G. Peterson, G. Nuesca, A. E. Kaloyeros, R. Tuenge, and C. King, “Metal-organic Chemical Vapor Depositions of SrS:Cu for Applications in Electroluminescent Devices”, Information Display Soc. Symp. Proc. (1998).
- Topol, H. Efstathiadis, G. Nuesca, S. Lane, B. Taylor, K. Barth, J. Lau, G. Peterson, R. Tuenge, C. King, and A. E. Kaloyeros, “Metal-organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of ZnS:Mn Films for Thin Film Electroluminescent devices”, Information Display Soc. Symp. Proc. (1998).
- Z. Akkerman, H. Efstathiadis, F. W. Smith, “Thermal Stability of Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) Films”, American Phys. Soc. 40, (1995).
- H. Efstathiadis, Z. Akkerman, F. W. Smith, “Atomic Bonding in Amorphous Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) alloys: A thermodynamic Approach”, American Phys. Soc. 40 (1995).
- F. W. Smith, H. Efstathiadis, “Thermodynamic Modeling of the Local Atomic Order in Amorphous Alloys Based on Silicon and Germanium”, American Phys. Soc. 39 (1994).
- H. Efstathiadis and F. W. Smith, “Studies of Diamond-like Carbon films based on Carbon, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen”, American Phys. Soc. 39 (1994).
Book Chapters
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, P. Ghuman, S. Babu, N. Dhar, R. Jacobs, L. Chaudhary, H. Efstathiadis, S. Ganguly, A. Ghosh, S. Ahmed, and F. Tonni, “Doping and Transfer of High Mobility Graphene Bilayers for Room Temperature Mid-Wave Infrared Photodetectors” In: P. Pham, editor. Nanostructured Materials—Classification, Growth, Simulation, Characterization, and Devices. IntechOpen; 2022.
- A. Sood, I. Lund, Y. Puri, H. Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, N. Dhar, J. Lewis, M. Dubey, E. Zakar, P. Wijewarnasuriya, D. L Polla, M. Fritze, INVITED Chapter in “Graphene - New Trends and Developments”, InTech Publications (2015). DOI: 10.5772/61316
- A. Sood, J. Zeller, and Y. Puri, H Efstathiadis, P. Haldar, N. Dhar, and D. L. Polla “SiGe Based Visible-NIR Photodetector Technology for Optoelectronic and Optical Fiber Applications INVITED Chapter in “Optical Fiber", ISBN 978-953-51-4134-1, InTech Publications (2015).
- H. Efstathiadis, A. Filios, “CuInGaSe based thin films for photovoltaic solar cells” Management Association, Information Resources, editor. in Nanotechnology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 3: 1510-1527, IGI Global, (2014).
- S. Anwar (Editor), H. Efstathiadis (Editor), S. Qazi (Editor) Handbook of Research on Solar Energy Systems and Technologies, 1st Edition, IGI Global, ISBN-10: 1466619961 (2012).
- I. Ghersoiu, H. Efstathiadis, M. Fasullo, “Solid State Field Effect Air Filtration Systems, Masks Including the Same, and Methods of Forming Same” US provisional Application submitted (September 2021).
- I. Ghersoiu, H. Efstathiadis, “Template for Selective Area Growth of Group III-Nitride Devices”, Disclosure submitted (November 2021)
- C. Lee, J.H. Lee, H. Efstathiadis and P. Haldar, “A novel structured amorphous thin film solar cell with embedded Si nanowire arrays in absorber layer of a planar pin solar cells” Disclosure submitted (Nov 2010).
- P. Haldar and H. Efstathiadis, “Direct Powering of Implantable BioMedical devices with Thermoelectric Generator” Disclosure submitted (Feb 2006).
- P. Haldar and H. Efstathiadis, “Improving flexible substrate surface quality for photovoltaic applications by electro-polishing, electrodeposition or by applying uniform buffer layer coatings” Disclosure submitted (Nov 2004).