Juan Felipe Henao

My research focuses on applying Management Science modeling and planning techniques to address energy and sustainability-related problems. I am particularly interested in optimizing the integration of variable renewable energies to power grids, finding sustainable energy solutions for vulnerable off-grid communities, and understanding the complementarity between renewable energy resources. Most of my works have been published in top-tier Energy and Management Science journals, such as the European Journal of Operational Research, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Renewable Energy, Energy Policy, and the Journal of Cleaner Production (see my google scholar in the link provided above).
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Operational Research & Management Science, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, United Kingdom. |
Master of Science (MSc) in System Engineering (emphasis: Operational Research), National University of Colombia, Colombia. |
Bachelor (BEng) in Civil Engineering, National University of Colombia, Colombia. |
Areas of Research
Operations Research and Management Science, Energy Modeling, Planning, and Management.
Fall 2023 Courses
MGA 411 – Introduction to Management Science
BUS 101 – Introduction to Business