Michael Carpenter

Michael Carpenter

Vice President for Research


Phone Number:
(315) 792-7419
Office Address:
Kunsela Hall
Biology + Chemistry Department
College of Arts + Sciences


  • Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of Rochester, NY (1996)
  • M.S., Physical Chemistry, University of Rochester, NY (1993)
  • B.S., Chemistry, State University of New York at Geneseo (1991)

Areas of research

  • Chemical sensors
  • All-optical sensor design
  • Quantum dots
  • Plasmonics
  • Raman microanalysis

Honors and Awards

  • Invited lecturer for Nanotechnology/Nanosciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan, Summer 2013
  • SUNY Research Foundation Promising Inventor Award - 2004
  • Arnold Weissberger Fellowship, 1994-1995 
  • Sherman Clark Fellowship, 1993-1996

Research Website: https://sunypoly.edu/research/faculty-websites/carpenter-research-group.html

Recent Publications

  1. R. A. Potyrailo, J. Brewer, B. Cheng, M. A. Carpenter, N. Houlihan, A. Kolmakov, “Bio-Inspired Gas Sensing: Boosting Performance with Sensor Optimization Guided by “Machine Learning”, Faraday Discussions, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0FD00035C (2020)
  2. M. Houlihan, M. A. Carpenter, “Morpho-Butterfly Inspired Lamella-based Optical Sensors for Measuring Percent Level Concentrations of H2 and CO with Au and CeO2, MRS Advances, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1557/adv.2020.318 (2020)V. A. V. Rossi, M. A. Carpenter, “Non-invasive optical pressure sensing using a scalable reflective polydimethylsiloxane membrane”, Sensors and Transducers, 239, 34-40 (2019).
  3. V. A. V. Rossi, M. A. Carpenter, “Reusable polystyrene wafer coating as an antiadhesive layer for PDMS film production”, Materials Letters, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2019.127045 (2019).
  4. R. A. Potyrailo, J. Brewer, B. Scherer, V. Srivastava, M. Nayeri, C. Henderson, C. Collazo-Davila, M. A. Carpenter, N. Houlihan, V. Vulcano Rossi, A. Shapiro, “Multi-Gas Sensors for Enhanced Reliability of SOFC Operation”, ECS Transactions, 91, 319-28 (2019).
  5. L. Banu, R. A. Potyrailo, M. A. Carpenter, “Kinetics analysis of multichannel hydrogen reactions on plasmonic based Au-GdC thin film nanocomposites”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 17925-32 (2019).
  6. N. Houlihan, N. Karker, R. A. Potyrailo, M. A. Carpenter, “High sensitivity plasmonic sensing of hydrogen over a broad dynamic range using catalytic Au-CeO2 thin film nanocomposites”, ACS Sensors, 3, 2684-92 (2018).
  7. Karker, G. Dharmalingam, M. A. Carpenter, “Survey of Optical Gas Sensors for Harsh Environments”, in Advances in Sensors: Reviews Volume 6, Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Ed. S. Y. Yurish, International Frequency Sensor Association Publishing, (2018).
  8. R. A. Potyrailo, N. Karker, M. A. Carpenter, A. Minnick, “Multivariable bio-inspired photonic sensors for non-condensable gases:  initial results, Journal Of Optics, Special Issue on Biomimetic Photonics, 20, 024006(2018).
  9. G. Dharmalingam, M. A. Carpenter, “Chemical Sensing Dependence on Metal Oxide Chemistry and Thickness for High Temperature Plasmonics Based Sensors”, Sensors Actuators B., 251, 1104 - 11 (2017).
  10. N. Karker, M. A. Carpenter, “High Figure of Merit Hydrogen Sensor Using Multipolar Plasmon Resonance Modes”, Sensors Actuators B, 252, 385-90 (2017).
  11. J. Elwood, Z. Zhao, L. M. Saupe, T. D. Strayer, R. N. Odell, M. A. Carpenter, “Gold Nanoparticles Embedded in Soda-lime Glass Substrate for Temperature Sensing”, Sensing and Biosensing Research, 11, 37- 44 (2016).
  12. Z. Zhao, V. A. Vulcano Rossi, J. P. Baltrus, P. R. Ohodnicki, M. A. Carpenter “Ag Nanoparticles supported on Yttria-stabilized Zicronica: A Synergistic System within Redox Environments”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 120, 5020-32 (2016).
  13. Z. Zhao, J. Elwood, M. A. Carpenter, “Phonon Anharmonicity of PdO Studied by Raman Spectrometry”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 23094 (2015).
  14. N. Karker, G. Dharmalingam, M. A. Carpenter, “Thermal Energy Near-infrared radiation and accessing low temperatures with plasmonic sensors”, Nanoscale, 7, 17798 (2015).
  15. Z. Zhao, J. Elwood, M. A. Carpenter, “Phonon Anharmonicity in PdO for Temperature Dependent Raman Scattering”, Physical Review B, Under Review, (2014)
  16. N. Karker, G. Dharmalingam, M. A. Carpenter, “Thermal Energy Harvesting Plasmonic Based Chemical Sensors”, ACS Nano, 8, 10953-62 (2014).
  17. J. P. Baltrus, P. R. Ohodnicki, N. A. Joy, M. A. Carpenter, “Examination of Charge Transfer in Au/YSZ for High-Temperature Optical Gas Sensing”, Applied Surface Science, 313, 19-25 (2014).
  18. N. A. Joy, B. K. Janiszewski, S. Novak, T. W. Johnson. S-H Oh, A. Raghunathan, J. Hartley, M. A. Carpenter, “Thermal Stability of Gold Nanorods for High Temperature Plasmonic Sensing”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117, 11718-24 (2013)
  19. Z. Zhao, M. A. Carpenter, “Support Free Bimodal Distribution of Plasmonically Active Ag/AgOx Nanoparticle Catalysts: Attributes and Plasmon Enhanced Surface Chemistry”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117, 11124-32 (2013)
  20. Z. Zhao, M. A. Carpenter, M. A. Petrukhina, “Semiconductor Quantum Dots for Photoluminescence-based Sensing”, Semiconductor Gas Sensors, Eds. R. Jaaniso and O. K. Tan, Woodhead Publishing, UK, (2013)
  21. N. A. Joy, M. A. Carpenter, “Optical Sensing Methods for Metal Oxide Nanocomposites”, Metal Oxide Nanomaterials for Chemical Sensors, Eds. M. A. Carpenter, S. Mathur, A. Kolmakov, Springer, NY, NY (2013)
  22. Metal Oxide Nanomaterials for Chemical Sensors, Eds. M.A. Carpenter, S. Mathur, A. Kolmakov, Springer (2013)
  23. G. Dharmalingam, N. A. Joy, B. Grisafe, M. A. Carpenter, “Plasmonic Based Detection of H2 and CO: Discrimination Between Reducing Gases Facilitated by Material Control”, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 3, 712-21 (2012).
  24. N. A. Joy, P. H. Rogers, M. I. Nandasiri, S. Thevuthasan, M. A. Carpenter “Plasmonic Based Sensing Using an Array of Au-Metal Oxide Thin Films”, Analytical Chemistry, 84, 10437-44 (2012). 
  25. N. A. Joy, M. I. Nandasiri, P. H. Rogers, W. Jiang, T. Varga, S. V. N. T. Kuchibhatla, S. Thevuthasan, M. A. Carpenter, “Selective Plasmonic Gas Sensing: H2, NO2 and CO Spectral Discrimination by a Single Au-CeO2 Nanocomposite Film”, Analytical Chemistry, 84, 5025-34 (2012).


Carpenter, Michael A.; Sirinakis, George
Optical methods and systems for detecting a constituent in a gas containing oxygen in harsh environments

PCT/US2007/64665, (2007).

Zhouying Zhao, Michael A. Carpenter
Methods for Forming Palladium Alloy Thin Films and Optical Hydrogen Sensors Employing Palladium Alloy Thin Films
Serial Number: 11/049,833, Filed: February 3, 2005




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