Mohammed Abdallah

M. Abdallah, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Engineering College at the State University of New York Polytechnic Institute. He served as the program coordinator for eight years and the department chair for two years. His current research interest is hardware systems in the nanobiosensors applications. He is a senior member of the IEEE. He has published more than fifty conference papers and journal articles.
Teaching Experience:
- CET/ETC 342 Microprocessor, Embedded Systems and Design
- CET/ETC 210 Digital Systems I and Logic Design
- CET/ETC 429 Microprocessors, Microprogramming and Computer Architecture
- CET/ETC 445 Microcontrollers/ System on chip Embedded Systems
- CET/ETC 423 Microprocessor Interfacing
- CET/ETC 416 Data Communication and Computer Network Technology
- CET/ETC 444 Special Topics: Advanced Microprocessor
- ETC 491 Independent Study
- ECE 252 Computer Organization and Microprocessor
- ECE 251 Digital Logic Design
Course Development:
- Sequential Logic Design (CET/ETC 345)
- Introduction to VLSI (CET/ETC 355)
- System on Chip Embedded Systems I (CET 445)
- System on Chip Embedded Systems I (ETC 445)
- Computer Architecture (CET/ETC 429)
- System on Chip Embedded Systems II (CET 466)
- System on Chip Embedded Systems II (ETC 466)
- Microprocessor Interfacing (CET/ETC 423)
Sample of Service Activities:
- Elected as a member of the Curriculum Committee
- Selected to serve in College of Engineering Dean search committee
- Elected to serve in Provost search committee
- Member of the Poster Session & Showcase planning group
- Member of the SUNYIT-CNSE merger group
- Faculty Coordinator to Tau Alpha Pi student chapter
- Member of many Screening Committees
- New York State Engineering Technology/Cyber Security Association Conference Chair
- Member at large and Executive Committee member of NYSETA
Sample of Grant Activity:
- Principle Investigator, Engineering Technology Division of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE-ETD), $4000
Received the ASEE-ETD mini grant of $4000 (Three winners all over USA), 2013
“Proof of Concept: A Novel On-line Learning Approach for Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology” - Principle Investigator, SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grants (IITG), $6000
Received the SUNY System (64 campuses) Innovative Instruction Technology Grants (IITG) grant of $6000, 2013
“Towards OPEN SUNY: A Novel On-line Learning Approach for Electrical and Computer Engineering and Engineering Technology Students” - Co-Principle Investigator, SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grants (IITG), $20,000
Received the SUNY System (64 campuses) Innovative Instruction Technology Grants (IITG) grant of $20,000, 2014
“A Novel On-line Approach for “e-student” Remote Laboratory Experiments” - Co-Principle Investigator, SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grants (IITG), $20,000
Received the SUNY System (64 campuses) Innovative Instruction Technology Grants (IITG) grant of $20,000, 2017
“SUNY Immersive Distributed Virtual/Augmented Reality Classroom.” - Co-Principle Investigator, SUNY Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Grant, $210,000
“Technological Interventions for Health Care Delivery.”
Journal and Conferences Publication Sample
Abedin, M. Abdallah, N. Cady, “Modeling of Nanoscale Interdigitated Electrode Arrays for Impedance-based Biosensing Applications”, In proceedings of the IEEE Albany Nanotechnology Symposium (IEEE-ANS)
Abdallah, et al, “A Low Cost Stand-alone Multi-channel Data Acquisition monitoring and Archival System with On-Chip Signal Pre-Processing,” IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 60 (8), pp. 2813-2827
Abdallah, “Development of an Affordable and Portable Eye-Tracking Instrument for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients”, Technology Interface International Journal TIIJ (039, p.52)
Abdallah, et al, “A Novel Smart Stethoscope for Health-Care Providers”, In proceedings of the IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference
M. Abdallah, et al, “Postural Drainage and Percussion Techniques Training using a Novel Smart Mannequin,” 38th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
M. Abdallah, et al, “Student Outcomes Assessment and Evaluation for ETAC/ABET,” In proceedings of the 122nd ASEE Annual conference
Abdallah, “Semi-Human Microcontroller,” In proceedings of The IEEE Southeast Conference, pp. 1-5