Nathaniel Cady

Description of research
Nathaniel Cady, holds a PhD in microbiology from Cornell University and specializes in research at the interface of nanotechnology and biology. Dr. Cady’s research uses inspiration from natural, biological systems to guide the design, formulation, and/or fabrication of unique systems and technologies. Some of the core areas of research in our laboratory are biofouling, bacterial biofilms, and the development of technologies to detect and/or treat bacterial infections. Dr. Cady’s work also focuses on the development of microchip-based sensors and nanoscale electronic devices called “memristors” that mimic the function of neuronal synapses.
- Post Doctoral Associate, Microbiology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2006
- Ph.D., Microbiology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2005
- B.A., Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1999
Areas of research
- Nanobiotechnology
- Biosensors
- Molecular biology
- Microfluidics
- Detection systems
Research website
Publications (since 2015)
Google Scholar link:
- M.C. Sullivan, Z.R. Robinson, K. Beckmann, A. Powell, T. Mburu, K. Pittman, N. Cady. Threshold switching stabilization of NbO2 films via nanoscale devices. (2022) Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 40, 063202.
- J. Hutchins, S. Alam, A. Zeumault, K. Beckmann, N. Cady, G. Rose, A. Aziz. A Generalized Workflow for Creating Machine Learning-Powered Compact Models for Multi-state Devices. IEEE Access (online publication)
- G. Krishnan, Z. Wang, L. Yang, J. Meng, M. Liehr, R.V. Joshi, N.C. Cady, D. Fan, J-S. Seo, Y. Cao. Hybrid RRAM/SRAM in-Memory Computing for Robust DNN Acceleration (2022) IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 41(11): 4241-4252.
- M. Abedin, A. Roohi, M. Liehr, N. Cady, S. Angizi, MR-PIPA: An Integrated Multi-level RRAM (HfOx) based Processing-In-Pixel Accelerator. (2022) IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits. Online Publication
- N. Tokranova, N. Cady, A. Lampher and I. A. Levitsky. Highly Sensitive Fentanyl Detection Based on Nanoporous Electrochemical Immunosensors. (2022) IEEE Sensors Journal. Online Publication. 22(21): 20165-20170.
- B. Taubner, A. Gibbons, N.C. Cady. Dual detection of COVID-19 antigens and antibodies using nanoscale fluorescent plasmonic substrates. (2022) Experimental Biology and Medicine. Online publication.
- B.L. Miller, A.M. Klose, M.R. Bryan, J.S. Cognetti, D.J. Steiner, N.Tokranova, B. Piorek, N. Judy, M. Abedin, E. Young, C. Meinhart, R. Jakubowicz, H. Warren, N.C. Cady. (2022) Strategies for the development of photonic sensors for COVID-19. Proceedings of SPIE 11951, Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies XV. 1195104.
- R. Ume, H. Gong, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, K. Brew, G. Cohen, C. Lavoie, S. Schujman, J. Liu, A.I. Frenkel, K. Beckmann, N. Cady, S. Oktyabrsky. Electrical and structural properties of binary Ga–Sb phase change memory alloys. (2022) Journal of Applied Physics. 132, 035103
- S. Rafiq, M. Abedin, K. Beckmann and N. C. Cady, Detecting Temporal Correlation on HfO2 Based RRAM on 65nm CMOS Technology. (2022) 2022 IEEE 31st Microelectronics Design & Test Symposium (MDTS) p. 1-6,
- M. Liehr, K. Beckmann, N. Cady. Impact of Switching Variability, Memory Window, and Temperature on Vector Matrix Operations Using 65nm CMOS Integrated Hafnium Dioxide-based ReRAM Devices. (2022) IEEE 31st Microelectronics Design & Test Symposium (MDTS), 2022.
- G. Krishnan, L. Yang, J. Sun, J. Hazra, X. Du, M. Liehr, Z. Li, K. Beckmann, R. Joshi, N.C. Cady, D. Fan, Y. Cao. Exploring Model Stability of Deep Neural Networks for Reliable RRAM-based In-Memory Acceleration. (2022) IEEE Transactions on Computers,
- T. Head, N.C. Cady. Monitoring and modulation of the tumor microenvironment for enhanced cancer modeling. (2022) Journal of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 247(7): 598-613.
- E.H. Ledet, S.M. Caparaso, K.P. Cole , M. Stout, B. Liddle, N.C. Cady, M.T. Archdeacon. Smart Fracture Plate for Quantifying Fracture Healing: Preliminary Efficacy in a Biomechanical Model. (2022) Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 40: 2414-2420.
- J.N. Rosenberg, N.C. Cady. Surveilling cellular vital signs: toward label-free biosensors and real-time viability assays for bioprocessing. (2021) Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 71: 123-129.
- M. Abedin, M. Liehr, K. Beckmann, J. Hazra, S. Rafiq, N. C. Cady. In-memory Computation of Error-Correcting Codes Using a Reconfigurable HfOx ReRAM 1T1R Array. (2021) 2021 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). p. 593-598, doi:
- A. Joseph, J. Wu, K. Yu, L. Jiang, N. Cady, B. Si, Function-on-Function Regression for Trajectory Prediction of Small-Scale Particles towards Next-generation Neuromorphic Computing. (2021) 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). p.1997-2002. doi: 10.1109/CASE49439.2021.9551532
- B. Taubner, R. Peredo-Wende, A. Ramani, G. Singh, K. Strle, N.C. Cady. Rapid and Quantitative Detection of Human Antibodies Against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus SARS CoV2 and its Variants as a Result of Vaccination and Infection. (2021) Microbiology Spectrum. 9(2): e00890-21.
- T. Head, N. Tokranova, N.C. Cady. Micro-nozzle Integration for Controlled Drug Delivery via a Microfluidic Imaging Window. (2021) MRS Communications. Online publication
- J.S. Cognetti, D.J. Steiner, M. Abedin, M.R. Bryan, C. Shanahan, N. Tokranova, E. Young, A.M. Klose, A. Zavriyev, N. Judy, B. Piorek, C. Meinhart, R. Jakubowicz, H. Warren, N.C. Cady, B.L. Miller. Disposable photonics for cost-effective clinical bioassays: application to COVID-19 antibody testing. (2021) Lab on a Chip. 21: 2913-2921
- G. Krishnan, J. Sun, J. Hazra, X. Du, M. Liehr, Z. Li, K. Beckmann, R. Joshi, N. Cady, Y. Cao. Robust RRAM-based In-Memory Computing in Light of Model Stability. (2021) 2021 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2021. p. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IRPS46558.2021.9405092
- R. Ume, H. Gong, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, D. Sadana, K. Brew, G. Cohen, C. Lavoie, S. Schujman, K. Beckmann, N. Cady, S. Oktyabrsky. Crystallization Properties of Al-Sb Alloys for Phase Change Memory Applications. (2021). ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 10(7): 075008.
- G. Krishnan, J. Hazra, M. Liehr, X. Du, K. Beckmann, R. Joshi, N. Cady, Y. Cao. Design Limits of In-Memory Computing: Beyond the Crossbar. (2021) 2021 5th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM). pp. 1-3. doi: 10.1109/EDTM50988.2021.9421057
- H. Gong, R. Ume, V. Tokranov, M. Yakimov, D. Sadana, K. Brew, G. Cohen, S. Schujman, K. Beckmann, N. Cady, S. Oktyabrsky. Bilayer Ga-Sb Phase Change Memory with Intermediate Resistance State. (2021) 2021 Device Research Conference (DRC). 1-2.
- V. Mukundan, S. Consiglio, D.H. Triyoso, K. Tapily, M.E. McBriarty, S. Schujman, K. Beckmann, J. Hazra, V. Kaushik, N. Cady, R.D. Clark, G.J. Leusink, A.C. Diebold, Ferroelectric Phase Content in 7 nm Hf(1‐x)ZrxO2 Thin Films Determined by X‐ray based Methods. (2021) Physica Status Solidi A – Applications and Materials Science. 218(10): 2100024
- J. Hazra, M. Liehr, K. Beckmann, M. Abedin, S. Rafiq, N.C. Cady. Optimization of Switching Metrics for CMOS Integrated HfO2 based Bipolar RRAM Devices on 300 mm Wafer Platform. (2021) IEEE International Memory Workshop (IMW) 2021. 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/IMW51353.2021.9439618
- E. Chou, A. Minor, N.C. Cady. Quantitative multiplexed strategies for human Lyme disease serological testing. (2021) Experimental Biology and Medicine. (2021). Journal of Experimental Biology & Medicine. 246(12) 1388-1399. https://doi:10.1177/15353702211003496S
- Rafiq, J. Hazra, M. Liehr, K. Beckmann, M. Abedin, J.S. Pannu, S.K. Jha, N.C. Cady. Investigation of ReRAM variability on flow-based edge detection computing using HfO2-based ReRAM arrays. (2021) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems.
- I. Aravind, Y. Wang, Z. Cai, L. Shen, B. Zhao, S. Yang, Y. Wang, J.M. Dawlaty, G.N. Gibson, E. Guignon, N.C. Cady, W.D. Page, A. Pilar, S.B. Cronin. Hot Electron Plasmon-Resonant Grating Structures for Enhanced Photochemistry: A Theoretical Study. (2021) Crystals. 11:118.
- N.C. Cady, N. Tokranova, A. Minor, N. Nikvand, K. Strle, W.T. Lee, W. Page, E. Guignon, A. Pilar, and G.N. Gibson. Multiplexed Detection and Quantification of Human Antibody Response to COVID-19 Infection Using a Plasmon Enhanced Biosensor Platform. (2021) Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 171:112679.
- W. Olin-Ammentorp, K. Beckmann, C.D. Schuman, J.S. Plank, N.C. Cady. Stochasticity and Robustness in Spiking Neural Networks. (2021) Elsevier Journal of Neural Networks. 419:1.
- I. Mahaboob, R.J. Reinertsen, B. McEwen, E. Rocco, K. Hogan, A.J. Melendez, N.C. Cady, F. Shahedipour-Sandvik. Boronate Probe-Based Hydrogen Peroxide Detection with an AlGaN/GaN HEMT Sensor. (2021) Journal of Experimental Biology & Medicine. 246(5): 523-528.
- M. Liehr, J. Hazra, K. Beckmann, S. Rafiq and N. Cady. Impact of Switching Variability of 65nm CMOS Integrated Hafnium Dioxide-based ReRAM Devices on Distinct Level Operations (2020) 2020 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW), South Lake Tahoe, CA, pp. 1-4,
- J. Hazra, M. Liehr, K. Beckmann, S. Rafiq and N. Cady, Impact of Atomic Layer Deposition Co-Reactant Pulse Time on 65nm CMOS Integrated Hafnium Dioxide-based Nanoscale RRAM Devices. (2020) 2020 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW), South Lake Tahoe, CA, pp. 1-4,
- S. Rafiq, K. Beckmann, N.C. Cady. Simulation of Temporal Correlation Detection using HfO2-Based ReRAM Arrays. Proceedings of the IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD). (2020) Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia, 2020, pp. 1-3,
- G. Charan, J. Hazra, K. Beckmann, X. Du, G. Krishnan, R.V. Joshi, N.C. Cady, Y. Cao. Accurate Inference with Inaccurate RRAM Devices: Statistical Data, Model Transfer, and On-line Adaptation. 2020 57th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2020, pp. 1-6,
- E.C. Graham, N.C. Cady, N.M. Fahrenkopf. Isotropic grating coupler for 3D silicon photonic architectures. (2020) Proceedings of the SPIE - Optical Manufacturing and Testing XIII. 114870A.
- A.C. Diebold, N.C. Cady. Metrology for advanced transistor and memristor devices and materials. (2020) Proceedings of the SPIE - Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXXIV, 1132502.
- J. S. Pannu, S. Raj, S.L. Fernandes, D. Chakraborty, S. Rafiq, N. Cady, S.K. Jha. Design and Fabrication of Flow-based Edge Detection Memristor Crossbar Circuits. (2020) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 67(5), 961-965.
- Y. Wang, I. Aravind, Z. Cai, L. Shen, G. Gibson, J. Chen, H. Shi, B. Wang, B. Song, E. Guignon, N. Cady, W. Page, A. Pilar, S. Cronin. Hot electron driven photocatalysis on plasmon-resonant grating nanostructures. (2020) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(15): 17459-17465.
- E. Chou, E. Lasek-Nesselquist, B. Taubner, A. Pilar, E. Guignon, W. Page, Y-P. Lin, N.C. Cady. A fluorescent plasmonic biochip assay for multiplex screening of diagnostic serum antibody targets in human Lyme disease. (2020) PLoS One, 0228772.
- K. Beckmann, W. Olin-Ammentorp, C. Gangotree, S. Amer, G. Rose, J. Van Nostrand, N.C. Cady. Towards synaptic behavior of nanoscale ReRAM devices for neuromorphic computing applications. (2020) ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing (JETC) Special Issue on New Trends in Nanoelectronic Device, Circuit and Architecture Design. 16(3): 23.
- J. Hazra, M. Liehr, K. Beckmann, S. Rafiq, N. Cady. Improving the Memory Window/Resistance Variability Trade-Off for 65nm CMOS Integrated HfO2 Based Nanoscale RRAM Devices. (2020) IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW), South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA, p1-4.
- Pannu, J. S., Raj, S., Fernandes, S. L., Jha, S. K., Chakraborty, D., Rafiq, S., & Cady, N. Data-driven Approximate Edge Detection using Flow-based Computing on Memristor Crossbars. (2019) Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Albany Nanotechnology Symposium (ANS), 1-6.
- E. C. Graham, N. M. Fahrenkopf, N. Cady. Through Oxide Via (TOV) Induced Fabrication Stress on Directional Couplers in a Si Photonic Interposer. (2019) Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Albany Nanotechnology Symposium (ANS), 1-4.
- M. Liehr, J. Hazra, K. Beckmann, W. Olin-Ammentorp, N. Cady, R. Weiss, S. Sayyaparaju, G. Rose, J. Van Nostrand. Fabrication and Performance of Hybrid ReRAM-CMOS Circuit Elements for Dynamic Neural Networks. (2019) Proceedings of the International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS ’19). Association for Computing Machinery. 6:1–4.
- W. Olin-Ammentorp, N.C. Cady. Training Spiking Networks via Natural Evolutionary Strategies. (2019) Proceedings of the International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS ’19). Association for Computing Machinery. 18:1–6.
- S. Nallanthighal, L. Tierney, N.C. Cady, S.V. Chittur, R. Reliene. Surface coatings alter transcriptional responses to silver nanoparticles following oral exposure. (2019) NanoImpact. 100205.
- Holt, J.S., Z. Alamgir, K. Beckmann, N. Suguitan, S. Russell, E. Iler, H. Bakhru, E.S. Bielejec, R.B. Jacobs-Gedrim, D.R. Hughart, M.J. Marinella, J. Yang-Scharlotta, N.C. Cady. Comparison of Radiation Effects in Custom- and Commercially-fabricated Resistive Memory Devices. (2019) IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS). 66(12): 2398-2407.
- W. Olin-Ammentorp, N.C. Cady. Biologically-inspired Neuromorphic Computing. (2019) Science Progress.
- K. Beckmann, N. Suguitan, J. Van Nostrand, N.C. Cady. Interface Modification of HfO2-based ReRAM via Low Temperature Anneal. (2019) Semiconductor Science & Technology. 34: 105021.
- Wang, Y., Shen, L., Hou, B., Gibson, G.N., Poudel, N., Shi, H., Guignon, E., Cady, N.C., Page, W.D., Pilar, A., Dawlaty, J., Cronin, S.B. Hot electron-driven photocatalysis and transient absorption spectroscopy in plasmon resonant grating structures. (2019) Faraday Discussions. 214: 325-339.
- V. Mukundan, K. Beckmann, K. Tapily, S. Consiglio, R. Clark, G. Leusink, N. Cady, A.C. Diebold. Structural Correlation of Ferroelectric Behavior in Mixed Hafnia-Zirconia High-k Dielectrics for FeRAM and NCFET Applications. (2019) MRS Advances. 4(9): 545–551.
- A. Dhall, T. Masiello, S. Gattu, M. Strohmayer, L. Butt, L.P.M. Hemachandra, S. Schujman, N. Tokranova, J. Khoury, S. Papa Rao, N. Cady, J.A. Melendez, J. Castracane. Characterization and neutral atom beam surface modification of a clear castable polyurethane for biomicrofluidic applications. (2019) Surfaces. 2(1):100-116.
- W. Olin-Ammentorp, K. Beckmann, N.C. Cady. Cellular Memristive-Output Reservoir (CMOR). (2019) arXiv:1906.06414
- Chou, E., Pilar, A., Guignon, E., Page, W., Lin, Y.-P., N.C. Cady. Rapid and multiplexed detection of Lyme disease using a grating coupled-fluorescent plasmonics (GC-FP) biosensor platform. (2019) Proceedings Volume 10895, Frontiers in Biological Detection: From Nanosensors to Systems XI, SPIE.
- E. Chou, Y-P. Lin, N.C. Cady. Recent strategies for the diagnosis of early Lyme disease. (2018) Science Progress. 101(4): 311-331.
- J.F. Drazan, O.T. Abdoun, M.T. Wassick, R. Dahle, L.A. Beardslee, G.A. Marcus, N.C. Cady, E.H. Ledet. Simple Implantable Wireless Sensor Platform to Measure Pressure and Force. (2018) Medical Engineering & Physics. 59: 81-87.
- L. Shen, G.N. Gibson, N. Poudel, B. Hou, J. Chen, H. Shi, E. Guignon, N.C. Cady, W. Page, A. Pilar, S.B. Cronin. Plasmon Resonant Amplification of Hot Electron-Driven Photocatalysis. (2018) Applied Physics Letters. 113(11): 113104.
- B.P. Garreffi, M. Guo, N. Tokranova, N.C. Cady, J. Castracane, I.A. Levitsky. Highly Sensitive and Selective Fluorescence Sensor Based on Nanoporous Silicon-Quinoline Composite for Trace Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide Vapors. (2018) Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 276: 466-471.
- W.F. Hynes, J. Chacon, D. Segre, C.J. Marx, N.C. Cady, W. Harcombe. Bioprinting microbial communities to examine interspecies interactions in time and space. (2018) Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express. 4(5): 055010.
- S.M. Curley, N.C. Cady. Biologically derived nanomaterials for targeted delivery to the brain. (2018) Science Progress. 101(3): 273-292.
- S.M. Curley, J. Castracane, M. Bergkvist, N.C. Cady. Functionalization and characterization of an MRI-capable, targeted nanoparticle platform for delivery to the brain. (2018) MRS Advances.
- P. Paomephan, A. Assavanig, S. Chaturongakul, N.C. Cady, M. Bergkvist, N. Niamsiri. Insight into the antibacterial property of chitosan nanoparticles against Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium and their application as vegetable wash disinfectant. (2018). Food Control. 86: 294-301.
- M. Uddin, M.B. Majumder, K. Beckmann, H. Manem, Z. Alamgir, N.C. Cady, G.S. Rose. Design considerations for memristive crossbar physical unclonable functions. (2018) ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems. 14(1), 2.
- N.C. Cady, K. Beckmann, W. Olin-Ammentorp, J.E. Van Nostrand, G. Chakma, R. Weiss, S. Sayyaparaju, M. Adnan, J. Murray, M.E. Dean, J.S. Plank, G.S. Rose. Full CMOS-Memristor Implementation of a Dynamic Neuromorphic Architecture. GOMACTECH Conference, Miami, FL. March 2018.
- E. Chou, G. Zenteno, B. Taubner, A. Pilar, E. Guignon, W. Page, Y-P. Lin, N.C. Cady. Grating coupled-surface plasmon resonance and fluorescent plasmonics biosensor for diagnosis of Lyme disease. (2018) Proceedings of the SPIE 10629, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XIX, 106290I.
- V. Sukhotskiy, N.C. Cady, E. Chou, I.V.A.K. Reddy, E.P. Furlani. Numerical modeling of a sinusoidal grating-based surface plasmon coupled emission biosensor. (2018) Informatics, Electronics and Microsystems: TechConnect Briefs. 4: 205-208.
- K. Beckmann, J. Holt, W. Olin-Ammentorp, Z. Alamgir, J. Van Nostrand, N.C. Cady. The effect of reactive ion etch (RIE) process conditions on ReRAM device performance. (2017) Semiconductor Science and Technology. 32: 095013
- Z. Alamgir, J. Holt, K. Beckmann, N.C. Cady. The effect of different oxygen exchange layers in TaOx based RRAM devices. (2017) Semiconductor Science & Technology. 33: 015014
- S. Nallanthighal, C. Chan, A.P. Mosier, N.C. Cady, R. Reliene. Differential effects of silver nanoparticles on DNA damage and DNA repair gene modulation in Ogg1 deficient and wildtype mice. (2017) Nanotoxicology. 11(8): 996-1011.
- Z. Alamgir, K. Beckmann, J. Holt, N.C. Cady. Pulse width and height modulation for multi-level resistance in bi-layer TaOx based RRAM. Applied Physics Letters. (2017) 111: 063111
- V. Desai, M. Mellish, S. Bennett, N.C. Cady. Process development for high resolution Hydrogen Silsesquioxane (HSQ) patterning using commercial scanner for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography (EUVL). (2017) Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, B. 35: 021603. DOI:
- J.S. Holt, K. Beckmann, Z. Alamgir, J. Yang-Scharlotta, N.C. Cady. Effect of displacement damage on tantalum oxide resistive memory. (2017) MRS Advances. 1-7.
- C.M. Hanes, A.E. D’Amico, T. Ueyama, X. Zhang, W.F. Hynes, M.M. Barroso, N.C. Cady, M. Trebak, N. Saito, M.R. Lennartz. Golgi-associated PKC- is delivered to phagocytic cups: Role of PI4P. (2017) Journal of Immunology. 35(2): 021603.
- J.S. Plank, G.S. Rose, M. E. Dean, C.D. Schuman, N.C. Cady. A Unified Hardware/Software Co-Design Framework for Neuromorphic Computing Devices and Applications. (2017) ICRC: IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing. November 2017, Washington, DC.
- S. Amer, S. Sayyaparaju, K. Beckmann, N.C. Cady, G.S. Rose. A Practical Hafnium-Oxide Memristor Model Suitable for Circuit Design and Simulation. (2017) ISCAS: International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. May 2017, Baltimore, MD.
- S. Amer, G.S. Rose, K. Beckmann, N.C. Cady. Design Techniques for in-Field Memristor Forming Circuits. 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. August 2017, Boston, MA.
- M.K. Dion, J.F. Drazan, S. Giddings, N.C. Cady, R. Dahle, J.T. Roberts, E.H. Ledet. Smart Orthopaedic Implants: Application in Total Knee Arthroplasty. (2016) American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 9(4):1232-38.
- K. Beckmann, H. Manem, N.C. Cady. Performance enhancement of a time-delay PUF design by utilizing integrated nanoscale ReRAM devices. (2016) IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing – Security of Beyond CMOS Devices: Issues and Opportunities. 5(3): 304-316.
- K. Beckmann, J. Holt, W. Olin-Ammentorp, J. Van Nostrand, N.C. Cady. Impact of etch process on hafnium dioxide based nanoscale RRAM devices. (2016) ECS Transactions. 75(13): 93-99.
- S.H. Kasper, R. Hart, M. Bergkvist, R.A. Musah, N.C. Cady. Zein nanocapsules as a tool for surface passivation, drug delivery, and biofilm prevention. (2016) AIMS Microbiology. 2(4): 422-433.
- V. Desai, J.G. Hartley, N.C. Cady. Electron beam lithography patterned hydrogen silsesquioxane resist as a mandrel for self-aligned double patterning application. (2016) Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, B. 34(6): 061601.
- K. Beckmann, J. Holt, H. Manem, J. Van Nostrand, N.C. Cady. Nanoscale hafnium oxide RRAM devices exhibit pulse dependent behavior and multi-level resistance capability. (2016) MRS Advances. 1(49): 3355-3360.
- S.H. Kasper, R.P. Bonocora, J.T. Wade, R.A. Musah, N.C. Cady. Chemical inhibition of kynureninase reduces Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing and virulence factor expression. (2016) ACS Chemical Biology. 11(4): 1106-1117.
- M. Craven, S. Kasper, M. Canfield, R. Diaz-Morales, J. Hrabie, Joseph; N. Cady, A. Strickland. Nitric Oxide-Releasing Polyacrylonitrile Disperses Biofilms Formed by Wound-Relevant Pathogenic Bacteria. (2016) Journal of Applied Microbiology. 120(4): 1085-99.
- A. Mendoza, D.M. Torrisi, S. Sell, N.C. Cady, D.A. Lawrence. Grating coupled SPR microarray analysis of proteins and cells in blood from mice with breast cancer. (2016) Analyst. 141: 704-712.
- M. Uddin, M.B. Majumder, G.S. Rose, K. Beckmann, H. Manem, Z. Alamgir, N.C. Cady. Techniques for Improved Reliability in Memristive Crossbar PUF Circuits. (2016) IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 212-217.
- W. Olin-Ammentorp, K. Beckmann, J.E. Van Nostrand, G.S. Rose, M.E. Dean, J.S. Plank, G. Chakma, N.C. Cady. Applying Memristors Towards Low-Power, Dynamic Learning for Neuromorphic Applications. GOMACTECH Conference, Reno, NV March 2017.
- J.F. Drazan, O.T. Abdoun, M.T. Wassick, G. Marcus, R. Dahle, L.A. Beardslee, N.C. Cady, E.H. Ledet. Reducing the Effect of Parasitic Capacitance on Implantable Passive Resonant Sensors. 2016 Annual Meeting of IEEE/EMBC. Orlando, FL, August, 2016. p. 1930-1933.
- J.F. Drazan, M.T. Wassick, R. Dahle, L.A. Beardslee, N.C. Cady, E.H. Ledet. A Simple Sensing Mechanism for Wireless, Passive Pressure Sensors. 2016 Annual Meeting of IEEE/EMBC. Orlando, FL, August, 2016. p. 1890-1893.
- Z. Alamgir, K. Beckmann, N.C. Cady, A. Velasquez, S.K. Jha. Flow-based computing on nanoscale crossbars: design and implementation of full adders. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) Conference, May 2016, Montreal, Canada. p. 1870-1873.
- N.C. Cady, K. Beckmann, H. Manem, M.E. Dean, G.S. Rose, J.E. Van Nostrand. Towards Memristive Dynamic Adaptive Neural Network Arrays. GOMACTEC Conference, March 2016, Orlando, FL.
- J.D. Drazan, M.T. Wassick, M.K. Dion, O.T. Abdoun, L.A. Beardslee, N.C. Cady, R. Dahle, E.H. Ledet. Evaluation of a Passive Resonator-Based Force Sensor for Orthopaedic Smart Implants: Simulated In Vivo Testing. 61st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Orlando, FL. March, 2016.
- A.P. Mosier, J. Behnke, E.T. Jin, N.C. Cady. Microbial biofilms for the removal of Cu2+ from CMP wastewater. (2015) Journal of Environmental Management. 160: 67-72.
- K. Beckmann, J.S. Holt, N.C. Cady, J. Van Nostrand. (2015) Comparison of random telegraph noise, endurance and reliability in amorphous and crystalline hafnia-based ReRAM. IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW) South Lake Tahoe, CA. p.107-110.
- J.S. Holt, N.C. Cady, J. Yang-Scharlotta. (2015) Radiation testing of tantalum oxide-based resistive memory. IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW) South Lake Tahoe, CA. p. 155-158.
- Manem, H, Beckmann, K, Xu, M, Carroll, R, Geer, R, Cady, N.C. An extendable multi-purpose 3D neuromorphic fabric using nanoscale memristors. (2015) IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications (CISDA), May 2015, Verona, NY.
- D.M. Kingsley, N.C. Cady, D.T. Corr. Customizable multi-well plates for high-throughput 2D and 3D laser direct-write. 41st Annual Northeast Biomedical Engineering Conference (NEBEC), April 17-19, 2015.
- M.K. Dion, C.P. Healey, S.L. Giddings, J.F. Drazan, J. Roberts, N.C. Cady, E.H. Ledet. Force measurement across the patellofemoral joint using a smart patellar implant following a total knee arthroplasty. 2015 41st Annual Northeast Biomedical Engineering Conference (NEBEC), Troy, NY.
- “Diagnostic photonic biosensor methods, apparatus and system.” U.S. Patent Application 63/143,452. Filing date 1/1/2021.
- "Methods for quantitative analysis of one or more biomarkers" N.C. Cady: U.S. Patent Application 17/368,711, Filing date 7/6/2021
- "Methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis of a plurality of biomarkers" N.C. Cady: U.S. Patent Application 17/367,141, Filing date 7/2/2021
- “Resistive random access memory device.” PCT/US2019/052339. Filing date 9/23/2019.
- “Selector devices for a memory cell.” U.S. patent application US20200161372A1. Filing date 11/1/2019.
- “Hardware based random number generator.” US Patent 8,680,906 B1, March 25, 2014.
- “Polymeric Micro-Cantilevers for Ultra-Low Volume Fluid and Living Cell Deposition.” US Patent 8,539,905 B2, September 24, 2013.
- “Ion Bombardment Synthesis of Transition Metal Oxide-Based Memory Devices.” US Patent Application, Filed August 23, 2011: US Serial No. 61/526537.
- “Real-time detection of microorganisms using an integrated microfluidics platform.” U.S. Patent Application Filed July 22, 2005: US 2008/0125330 A1
- “Diffraction-based cell detection using a micro-contact-printed antibody grating.” U.S. Patent Application Filed January 27, 2000: US 2002/0037593 A1
Book Chapters
- N. Cady, “Build me a Memory.” In: Creating Life from Life: Biotechnology and Science Fiction. Rosalyn Berne, Ed. 2015. CRC Press.
- N. Cady, T.J. Begley, M. Bergkvist, S.T. Sharfstein, A.E. Kaloyeros. Nanobiological Sensor Technologies - revised. In: Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology. 2013. CRC Press.
- N.C. Cady and A.D. Strickland. Responsible Nanotechnology: Controlling Exposure and Environmental Release via Rational Design. In: Nanobiotechnology Handbook. Yubing Xie, Ed. 2012. CRC Press.
- N. Fahrenkopf, P.Z. Rice, N.C. Cady. Nucleic acid based biosensing. In: Nanobiomaterial Handbook. Balaji Sitharaman, Ed., 2011. CRC Press.
- M. Bergkvist, N.C. Cady. Chemical functionalization and bioconjugation strategies for AFM cantilevers. In: Bioconjugation Protocols, 2nd Edition. Sonny Mark, Ed., 2011. Springer.
- N. Cady. Microchip-based PCR Amplification Systems. In: Lab on a Chip Technologies and Applications. Avraham Rasooly and Keith Herold, Eds., 2009. Horizon Scientific Press.
- N. Cady. Quantum Dot Molecular Beacons for DNA Detection. In: Methods in Molecular Biology. James W. Lee, Ed., 2009. Humana Press.
- N. Cady, A. Gadre, A.E. Kaloyeros. Nanobiological Sensor Technologies. In: Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology. 2008. CRC Press.
- N. Cady. DNA-Based Biosensors. Encyclopedia of Sensors. 2006. American Scientific Publishers.
Honors and Awards
SUNY Research Foundation Rising Star Award
W.M. Keck Fellowship in Nanotechnology
- Phi Beta Kappa
Editorial / Peer-Review Activities
Reviewer for multiple journals, including Analytical Chemistry, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Analytica Chimica Acta, and Sensors and Actuators.
Grant Reviewer for the "NIH Development and Application of Nanotechnology-Based Tools to Understand Mechanisms of Bioremediation" program.
Professional Activities
Member of the Materials Research Society, American Society for Microbiology
Editor for the Journal of Nano Education
Guest Editor for the International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Advisory Board Member for Albany High School Academy of Engineering
Scientific Advisor for the NY City Mayor’s Office Criminal Justice Coordinator
Scientific reviewer for multiple journals, including Analytical Chemistry, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Biomedical Microdevices, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Biomicrofluidics and Analytica Chimica Acta.
Scientific reviewer for NSF SBIR, STTR and “Nano” programs
Scientific reviewer for NIEHS (NIH) UO1 and SBIR programs
Scientific reviewer for Singapore National Medical Research Council
Scientific reviewer for the State of Louisiana Board of Regents Grants Program
Scientific reviewer for NSF “Environmental Impacts of Nanotechnolgy” program
Scientific reviewer for DOE Early Career Research Program
Scientific reviewer for Canadian (CBRNE) Research and Technology Initiative (CRTI)
Scientific reviewer for American Association for the Advancement of Science