Sandra Schujman

Professional Background
- Manager of the Metrology Technical Work Group, US Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium (PVMC), SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, 2012-Present
- Senior Scientist, Crystal IS, Inc., Green Island, NY 2002 - 2012
- Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY; 2000 - 2002
- Postdoctoral Associate and Senior Research Associate, Dept. of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY; 1994 - 1999
- Ph.D, Physics – Instituto Balseiro, S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina – 1993 (Full Doctoral Fellowship from Argentina’s National Council of Scientific and Technical Research)
- Ms. Physics - Instituto Balseiro, S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina – 1988 (Full scholarship from Argentina’s Atomic Energy Commission)
Dr. Schujman, as the manager of the PVMC Metrology program, communicates with the PVMC members to execute industry proposed metrology initiatives. She is focused on metrology and characterization projects that need to be resolved to advance the goals of the DOE SunShot Initiative. Her responsibilities include industry collaboration for project definition, proposing technical and strategic approaches, establishing milestones and budgets, project execution and report to PVMC members.
Typical metrology projects include the development of metrology platforms for performance characterization of solar cells and modules tailored to CIGS-based photovoltaics as well as the evaluation and introduction of metrology techniques apt for use as in-line or in-situ/real-time monitoring and, process control. These techniques are applied in the deposition systems at the Manufacturing Development Facility (MDF) located at the CNSE Solar Energy Development Center in Halfmoon, NY with manufacturing capacities exceeding 10MW.
Selected Publications and Presentations
D. Dwyer, S. Schujman, J.A. Novak, D. Metacarpa and P. Haldar
“Selenium flux effects on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 growth rate and control by in-line X-ray Fluorescence”
39th Proceedings of the IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Tampa, Fl (2013)
G. Slack and S. Schujman
“Deep-eutectic melt growth of nitride crystals”
Patent Issued: US 8,088,220; Jan. 3rd, 2012
S. Schujman, S. Rao, R. Bondokov, K. Morgan, G. Slack, L. J. Schowalter;
“Aluminum Nitride bulk crystals having high transparency to ultraviolet light and methods of forming them”
Patent Pending: US 20110008621; Jan. 13th, 2011
Shan Yang, S. M. Evans, L. E. Halliburton, G. A. Slack, S. B. Schujman, K. E. Morgan, R. T. Bondokov, and S. G. Mueller
“Electron paramagnetic resonance of Er3+ ions in aluminum nitride”
Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 023714, (2009)
S. B. Schujman, L. J. Schowalter, R. T. Bondokov, K. E. Morgan, W. Liu, J. Smart, T. Bettles
“Structural and surface characterization of large diameter, crystalline AlN substrates for device fabrication”
Journal of Crystal Growth, 310, 887, (2008)
S.B. Schujman, R. Vajtai, S. Biswas, B. Dewhirst, L.J. Schowalter and P.M. Ajayan
“Electrical behavior of isolated multiwall carbon nanotubes characterizes by scanning surface potential microscopy”
Applied Physics Letters 81, 541, (2002)
G. S. Nolas, S.B. Schujman and G. A. Slack
“Semiconductor Clathrates: A Phonon-Glass Electron-Crystal Material with Potential for Thermoelectric Applications”
Chapter on “Recent trends in the thermoelectric materials research”, Vol.1, “Semiconductors and Semimetals” series, editor Terry M. Tritt, Academic Press; 69, 255, (2001)
S.B. Schujman, G.S. Nolas, R.A. Young, C. Lind, A.P. Wilkinson, G.A. Slack, R. Patschke, M.G. Kanatzidis, M. Ulutagay, S.-J. Hwu
“Structural analysis of the Sr8Ga16Ge30 clathrate compound”, Journal of Applied Physics, 87, 1529, (2000)