Scott Spetka

Scott Spetka came to SUNY Poly in 1989 after earning his Ph.D. in computer science at UCLA.
The focus of his reaearch at UCLA was on distributed database systems and operating systems. Over the past 25 years, Scott's research and development work is mostly in: parallel and distributed systems design and development, parallelizing existing systems, analysis and implementation of secure authentication protocols, integration of new technologies for network communication and Web interfaces, system performance enhancement, heterogeneous high performance computing, Linux kernel programming, command and control systems.
Scott was technical advisor to the computer center and head of programming and analysis at the National Telecomunications Administration in El Salvador. He was also a professor of mathematics and computer science at the Universidad Centroamericana, Jose Simeón Cañas during his three years in El Salvador.
Further details regarding publications, research activities and teaching activities, please refer to his homepage at