Shuang Tang

Professor Dr. Shuang Tang is now leading the Nano-Quantum Engineering Group. Besides academic paper publications, the Tang group is focusing on real technology and real industry. " but above the topic title of "Academic Experience.
Visit Prof. Tang's team webpage at the SUNY Polytechnic Institute.
Academic Experience
- Tenured Professorship, 2023
- Associate Professor, 2022
- Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track, 2015
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, 2015
Thesis Advisor: Institute Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SM in Materials Science and Engineering 2012
- Fudan University, BS in Physics 2009
Research Interests
- Computer Chips, New Energy and New Materials
- Quantum Physics, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Mechanical Engineering
Strategic Partners
- IBM Corporation
- Wolfspeed Inc.
- Danfoss Energy
- Indium Corporation
Major Contributions
- Proposed the Tang--Dresselhaus Theory on Anisotropic Dirac Cone
- Invented the first Tang method on detection electronic scattering's energy sensitivity in semiconductors
- Invented the zte and ztL method in thermoelectrics
- Tang is the first Chinese native cover figure of MIT Official Home Page
Academic Responsibilities
- Member of American Physical Society, Materials Research Society, Cryogenic Society of America, American Society of Mechanical Engineering, American Chemical Society
- Senator of Faculty Assembly, Member of University Planning & Budgeting Committee, University Teaching Quality Committee, Chair of Faculty Search Committee
- Tang is Referee/Reviewer of many projects, journals, and conferences: Nano Letters, Nanoscale, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Nanotechnology, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Journal of Metallurgy, and Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineering Annual Conference
- Chair, Low Dimensional Materials, American Physical Society Conference 2013/3
- Chair, Strongly Correlated Systems, Quantum Fluids and Solids, American Physical Society Conference 2013/3
- Study of legal justice, anti-corruption, and anti-discrimination
- The Tang group is recruiting highly motivated post-docs and doctoral students, dedicated to advancing the real technology and engineering.