William Thistleton

- D. in Applied Mathematics 1996, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY Contaminant Transport and In-Situ Bioremediation in Porous Media, Advisor: Brent W. LindquistModeling of ground water flows in heterogeneous media with advection and reaction terms. Solved resulting system of nonlinear coupled PDE’s numerically with a time splitting approach, using mesh refinement and particle tracking techniques to dramatically improve run times. Explored remediation strategies for hydrocarbon contamination of aquifers and dispersion effects of multi-fractal permeability fields.
- Cert. in Statistical Theory and Methods 2005, Colorado State Universit., Fort Collins, CO
- MA in Mathematics 1987, SUNY at Potsdam, Potsdam, NY
- BS in Electrical Engineering 1983, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY
Areas of Research
- Probability and Statistical Modeling and Consulting, Image Processing, Numerical Partial Differential Equations
Selected Publications
- Andrea Dziubek, Giovanna Guidoboni, Alon Harris, Anil N. Hirani, Edmond Rusjan, William Thistleton “Effect of ocular shape and vascular geometry on retinal hemodynamics: a computational model,” Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology August 2016, Volume 15, Issue 4, pp 893–907
- Thistleton, W, Warmuth, J & Joseph, JM (2012) “A Cottage Model For Eldercare, in Health Environments,” Research & Design Journal, 5(3), 29-44.
- Thistleton, W, Warmuth, J (2012) “The Sitrin Model: Creating a Healing Environment in Long- Term Care,” in Health Care Design
- Thistleton, W, Marsh, J, Nelson, K, Tsallis, C (2009) “Q-Gaussian Approximants Mimic Non- Extensive Statistical-Mechanical Expectation For Many-Body Probabilistic Model With Long- Range Correlations,” in Central European Journal of Physics, 7(3), 387-394.
- Thistleton, W, Marsh, J, Nelson, K, Tsallis, C (2007) “Generalized Box-Muller Method for Generating q-Gaussian Random Deviates,” in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 53 (12), 4805 – 4810.
- Thistleton, W, and Warmuth, J (2008) “Facility Looks to Culture Change to Enhance Residents’ Quality of Life,” McKnight’s Assisted Living
Statistical Consulting, Algorithm Development and Software Engineering, Research In Statistical Analysis of Psychometric Data, Workshop Development and Presentation for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers
Applications of Probability and Statistics to Real World Situations
Courses I’ve taught:
- STA 100 Statistical Methods
- STA 225 Applied Statistical Analysis
- STA 410 Applied Regression Analysis
- MAT 111 College Mathematics
- MAT 121 Calculus for Engineering Technology I
- MAT 122 Calculus for Engineering Technology II
- MAT 151 Calculus I
- MAT 152 Calculus II
- MAT 230 Differential Equations
- MAT 253 Calculus III
- MAT 335 Mathematical Modeling
- MAT 340 Linear Algebra
- MAT 370 Applied Probability
- MAT 420 Complex Variables and their Applications
- MAT 425 Real Analysis
- MAT 460 Numerical Differential Equations
- MAT 491 Independent Studies in Graph Theory, Fractals
- MAT 492 Applied Mathematics Internship (Oversaw work of several students at local companies)
- MAT 505 Introduction to Probability
- MAT 550 Times Series Analysis
- STA 510 Regression and Analysis of Variance
- GEN 400 Prominent Themes in Western Civilization since the Renaissance
Professional Service
- Current Chair IRB Institutional Review Board
- Past Chair of graduate Council