AmeriCU Credit Union Partners with SUNY Poly Foundation

AmeriCU Credit Union recently announced its partnership with the SUNY Poly Foundation in establishing the Nursing 300 Scholarship Program to support future healthcare professionals. The Nursing 300 Program will address the growing shortage of qualified nurses, ensuring the delivery of quality healthcare to the community.
SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s (SUNY Poly) College of Health Sciences launched the nursing pilot program in fall 2023 by offering 12 nursing students, currently enrolled at Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC), the opportunity to take their first Nursing 300 class at SUNY Polytechnic Institute at no cost. AmeriCU supports SUNY Poly’s commitment to encourage philanthropic support in order to provide scholarships to students, assist faculty and staff in enhanced learning, and community engagement.
“Many of the prospective students who apply for this support are non-traditional students who may currently be working in the field; this program allows them to further their education,” said Andrea LaGatta, Assistant Vice President of Development. “We are grateful AmeriCU Credit Union made this opportunity possible for our students.”