De-stress with Dogs

De-stress with Dogs

Friday, April 26, 2013 - 09:26
SUNY Poly News Logo

Pet assisted therapy sponsored by Cornell Companions through the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine will be available on Tuesday, April 30th from 12pm to 2pm at The Student Center .  Research indicates learning is inhibited by stress; which means the more stress and anxious you feel the more difficult it may be to concentrate on your studies. If you feel like you need to take a break from all the stress in your life, or just really love dogs, come over to the Student Center and pet some dogs. The affection provided by an animal is simple, unconditional, and uncomplicated…who couldn’t use a little bit of that right about now. For more information about the event contact Sandy Mizerak at The Counseling Center at ext. 7172

