Dr. Kathryn Stam Presents Anthropology Research in Missouri and New Mexico

SUNY Poly's Dr. Kathryn Stam (pictured in the middle) presented a talk, "The Rainbow Body and the Material Remains," at the Anthropology of Consciousness Spring Conference in St. Louis, MO, April 9, 2024. Panelists Yadong Li, Dr. Stam, and Phylis Passariello are pictured here at their panel, "Beyond the Human, Beyond the Living."
Dr. Stam also presented her research, "The Promising Role of Visual Anthropology Methods for Sharing Immigrant Stories and Images: Uses for a Large Photo Collection of Refugees in the U.S." at the Society for Applied Anthropology in Santa Fe, New Mexico on Wed, March 27, 2024. There are two digital collections showcasing this research that Dr. Stam created in collaboration with SUNY Poly Library Director Rebecca Hewitt (see links below).