Enhanced medical insurance waiver, available for advanced

In response to the students’ needs, beginning now for the fall 2013 semester, an enhanced medical insurance process will go into effect. Current students taking 12 or more credits or nursing students taking 6 or more credits need to complete the medical insurance waiver ONCE in the fall semester and the waiver remains effective for that entire academic year (fall and spring semesters).
What does this mean to you? It means that when you waive the medical insurance for the fall semester, you will NOT be enrolled nor billed for medical insurance for the entire academic year.
If a student has a change in their medical insurance needs and wishes to purchase the designated medical insurance, he/she should contact the Health & Wellness Center at (315) 792.7172 before the first day of class.
You may waive the medical insurance for fall 2013 next week during advanced registration.
Note - The previous process was to waive the medical insurance EACH semester.
Questions? Please call the Health & Wellness Center 315.792.7172.