Get your tickets TODAY for the SUNY Poly Swine & Dine BBQ for Faculty & Staff - Thursday, August 17

Get your tickets TODAY for the SUNY Poly Swine & Dine BBQ for Faculty & Staff - Thursday, August 17

Wednesday, August 9, 2017 - 14:28
Blue SUNY Poly Logo

Great food by Sodexo! Gift basket auction! It's shore to be a good time! Tickets are $5 per person and can be purchased through:


Pam Palazzo - SBDC, Kunsela Hall, 2nd Floor

Tina Rothwell - Facilities Building 

Melanie Collandra - College of Business Management, Donovan Hall 1101


Also, if your department would like to donate to the gift basket raffle, please contact Samantha Vivirito at
