Report: SUNY Poly's CNSE cited as key semiconductor research organization to drive NSTC success

Center for Strategic & International Studies Report
"An important function of the NSTC will be to coordinate its efforts closely with those of existing workstreams to identify gaps where its efforts and resources can be concentrated to the best effect, leveraging rather than duplicating ongoing institutional efforts.
"Key organizations in the existing research intermediary space include:
- "The College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE): CNSE is part of the State University of New York (SUNY). In addition to providing science and engineering education, CNSE operates the most advanced 200- to 300-millimeter wafer fabrication facilities in the academic world. It hosts an array of research consortia comprised of some of the leading semiconductor firms in the world, including IBM, Global Foundries, and Applied Materials. There is no other educational and research facility in the United States with comparable assets."