Semiconductor Today: AIM Photonics detailing opportunities for integrated photonics-related partnerships at OFC

Semiconductor Today: AIM Photonics detailing opportunities for integrated photonics-related partnerships at OFC

Thursday, March 15, 2018 - 10:26
In the News
AIM Photonics - Data Center and Fiber Optics

At the Optical Fiber Communication conference & exhibition (OFC 2018) in San Diego, CA, USA (12-15 March), leaders from the the Rochester-based consortium AIM Photonics (American Institute for Manufacturing Photonics), an industry-driven public-private partnership advancing the USA’s photonics manufacturing capabilities, are sharing integrated silicon photonics-based research and development updates, highlighting the photonics process design kit (PDK, launched in 2016), which was recently updated to expand the comprehensive set of silicon photonics integrated circuit (PIC) component libraries within SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s (SUNY Poly) process to address high-speed optical communications needs. AIM Photonics representatives are also providing information about opportunities to take part in the initiative’s upcoming multi-project wafer (MPW) runs, among other topics.

“As AIM Photonics’ activity matures with the announcement of the new PDK update which we anticipate will open the doors to increased partnerships, along with the progress we have made establishing the TAP [Test, Assembly and Packaging] facility for example, we are thrilled to share our advances with industrial, academic and governmental leaders during a number of informational sessions and at the exhibition during OFC,” says Dr Michael Liehr, AIM Photonics’ CEO and SUNY Poly’s VP of research.