SPIE.org: Optoelectronics & Communications

SPIE.org: Optoelectronics & Communications

Wednesday, November 4, 2015 - 11:02
SUNY Poly News Logo

Michael Liehr is the Chief Executive Officer of the American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics (AIM Photonics), SUNY Poly Executive Vice President for Innovation and Technology and Vice President for Research. His experience spans semiconductor research, product and process development, manufacturing and foundry business P&L. Michael holds a Ph.D. in physics from RWTH Aachen.

AIM Photonics is an industry-driven public-private partnership that focuses the United States' premier capabilities and expertise to capture critical global manufacturing leadership in a technology that is both essential to national security and positioned to provide a compelling return on investment to the U.S. economy.


WATCH VIDEO OF THE STORY HERE: http://spie.org/x116091.xml

