SUNY Poly Assistant Physics Professor published in esteemed journal

SUNY Poly Assistant Physics Professor published in esteemed journal

Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 13:08
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Congratulations to SUNY Poly Assistant Professor of Physics, Emilio Cobanera, on being accepted for publication in the American Physical Society's Physical Review B for his work on A generalization of Bloch's theorem for arbitrary boundary conditions.

In their abstract, Cobanera and co-authors write:

"We present a generalization of Bloch's theorem to finite-range lattice systems of independent fermions, in which translation symmetry is broken only by arbitrary boundary conditions, by providing exact, analytic expressions for all energy eigenvalues and eigenstates. By transforming the single-particle Hamiltonian into a corner-modified banded block-Toeplitz matrix, a key step is a bipartition of the lattice, which splits the eigenvalue problem into a system of bulk and boundary equations. The eigensystem inherits most of its solutions from an auxiliary, infinite translation-invariant Hamiltonian that allows for non-unitary representations of translation symmetry."