SUNY Poly Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Asif Ahmed, Named ISSMGE’s Young Educator 2020, Gains Membership to Society’s Technical Committee

UTICA, NY - Dr. Asif Ahmed, an Assistant Professor in SUNY Poly’s College of Engineering, has been named as the recipient of the Young Geotechnical Engineering Educator 2020 Award by the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), along with earning membership in the society’s Technical Committee.
Dr. Ahmed, one of only three committee members from the USA, said the award is a “great honor” and had been seeking the highly selective committee position for a long time. The award was announced during the ISSMGE’s International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Education, held June 23-25 in Greece, which was livestreamed this year due to the COIVD-19 pandemic.
“At my age, to receive this award, it is not possible usually,” he joked, noting that the award is usually given to those age 40 and under. “I find it will help me with my professional development.”
As part of the award, Dr. Ahmed was given €2,000 Euro and an all-expenses paid trip to the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference, scheduled for 2021 in Long Beach, Calif.