SUNY Poly-led research published in Nature Scientific Reports details new technique to enhance light extraction efficiency of deep UV light-emitting diodes

Research spearheaded by SUNY Poly's Dr. Tinh Binh Tran has been published in Nature Scientific Reports, detailing a new method to "create a random nanophotonic crystal (NPhC) structure without lithography on the unpolished side of a single-side-polished sapphire substrate."
This effort has the potential for use in "enhancing the light-extraction efficiency (LEE) of deep ultra-violet light-emitting diodes (DUV-LEDs), and has never been built for DUV-LED applications before."
The SUNY Poly-led research was conducted in collaboration with investigators at the Advanced Semiconductor Laboratory in Saudi Arabia, and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, in Taiwan.
Visit here for more information about the publication, "Nanophotonic crystals on unpolished sapphire substrates for deep-UV light-emitting diodes."