SUNY Poly Research in Partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory-Information Directorate Published in 'Quantum Reports'

SUNY Polytechnic Institute senior undergraduate student Steven Gassner and Dr. Carlo Cafaro, SUNY Poly Applied Mathematics Assistant Professor, collaborated with the Air Force Research Laboratory-Information Directorate’s Quantum Information Processing Group Lead Dr. Paul Alsing on novel quantum-centered research recently published in Quantum Reports.
The research paper, “Information Geometric Perspective on Off-Resonance Effects in Driven Two-Level Quantum Systems,” details the ways in which magnetic fields can influence quantum systems and lead to deviations from their resonance condition. The clever manipulation of such quantum information can potentially be useful for the creation of more robust and faster computing systems.
The team’s published research can be read here: Information Geometric Perspective on Off-Resonance Effects in Driven Two-Level Quantum Systems (PDF)
Both Drs. Cafaro and Alsing have also published research in Physical Review E, entitled, "Information geometry aspects of minimum entropy production paths from quantum mechanical evolutions." The statistical/mathematical/quantum physics article proposes a theoretical characterization of a tradeoff between speed and efficiency in continuous-time quantum search Hamiltonian systems.
The team's research can be viewed here: Information geometry aspects of minimum entropy production paths from quantum mechanical evolutions