SUNY Poly's Dr. Emilio Cobanera's 'Deconstructing Effective Non-Hermitan Dynamics in Quadratic Bosonic Hamiltonians' Published in the New Journal of Physics

New Journal of Physics
Unlike their fermionic counterparts, the dynamics of Hermitian quadratic bosonic Hamiltonians are governed by a generally non-Hermitian Bogoliubov-de Gennes effective Hamiltonian. This underlying non-Hermiticity gives rise to a dynamically stable regime, whereby all observables undergo bounded evolution in time, and a dynamically unstableone, whereby evolution is unbounded for at least some observables. We show that stability-to-instability transitions may be classified in terms of a suitably generalized PT symmetry, which can be broken when diagonalizability is lost at exceptional points in parameter space, but also when degenerate real eigenvalues split off the real axis while the system remains diagonalizable.