Current Research:
- Exploring the archives of Time magazine
- Creating an interactive tabletop
- Digital History Projects
- Generative Art Experiments
Project Title: Exploring the archives of Time magazine
This is an examination of an archive of Time magazine containing 3,389 issues ranging from 1923 to 2014, focusing on images of faces. We use computer vision analysis, combined with contextual research and methods from the humanities, to elucidate trends and patterns in the visual culture reflected by the publication. In particular, we are examining how representations of the human face have changed over time, and seeking relationships between the visual features we discover and their corresponding socio-political contexts.
More information about this project
Project Title: CITE (The Collaborative Interactive Table for Education)
The Collaborative Interactive Tabletop for Education (CITE) allows users to manipulate on-screen data visualizations through the manipulation of hand-held tabletop objects, as illustrated in the diagram above. The system includes sound and touch features that considers users with visual impairments.
More information about this project
Project Title: Digital History of Women Religious Congregations
I have been working in collaboration with Dr. Bruno-Jofre and the Theory and History of Education International Research Group at Queen's University on the history of women religious. Dr. Bruno-Jofre's work documents changes in women religious teaching congregations over the course of the second half of the 20th century, exposing how women's individual identities evolved under the influences of the Second Vatican Council, the feminist movement, liberation theology, and the unique socio-political circumstances of each congregation. I have been working with Dr. Bruno-Jofre on creating digital narratives of her historical work, and I’m currently working on creating interactive visualizations mapping her studies of missionary work.
View one of our recent completed projects
View one of our works in progress
Project Title: Web Design and Web Projects
I am interested in web design and development. In addition to creating all my own research and creative pages, I have designed and developed several other websites.
Most recently, I have created the Gannett Gallery website. I maintain it and curate web exhibitions as the gallery is online-only during the pandemic.
One recent web project that I created was posted at the Gannett Gallery to celebrate 100 years of women’s suffrage.
Project Title: Multimedia Art
My multimedia art practice spans across traditional media (such as sculpting and drawing) into new media (such as algorithm development and web-based art), with a focus in recent years on the latter.
View more information on my art practice.
More projects can be viewed at the below links: