Faculty Assembly and Senate

Faculty Assembly Bylaws (January 2021) (pdf)

Faculty Assembly minutes and organizational documents

2022-2023 Faculty Assembly Committee Chairs and Memberships (pdf)

Chair of the Assembly & Senate: Adam McLain (2023-2025)
Secretary: Kristina Boylan (2023-2025)

Committees and Meeting Schedule

Distance Learning
Graduate Council
Planning and Budgeting
Academic Affairs
Academic Personnel
Academic Quality
Research, Scholarship and Creative Work
College meetings
4th Department/Program Meetings
Faculty Assembly & Senate

Academic Affairs - Ibrahim Yucel, Chair (2023-2025)
1st Thursday of the month

The Academic Affairs Committee addresses all issues that are part of the faculty's primary responsibility that are not delegated to other standing committees of the Faculty Assembly. These issues include admissions and transfer policy, the academic code of conduct, academic freedom, academic standing, grading, graduation requirements, research, subject matter and methods of instruction, and those aspects of student life which relate to the educational process.

Academic Personnel - Andrew Wolfe, Chair (2023-2025)
1st Thursday of the month

The Academic Personnel Committee reviews recommendations from department personnel committees concerning the promotion, reappointment and continuing appointment of faculty and sends its recommendations to the provost.

Academic Quality - Kathleen Rourke, Chair (2022-2024)
1st Thursday of the month

Academic Quality committee works with program faculty, general education faculty, and academic support services to ensure that student learning outcomes are met through ongoing assessment efforts.

Curriculum - Pallavi Gupta-Bouder, Chair (2023-2025)
1st Tuesday of the month

Distance Learning - Narayan Sharma, Chair (2023-2025)

1st Tuesday of the month

The Distance Learning Committee shall consider and make recommendations to the Assembly concerning policies, procedures, and use of resources regarding the development, support, efficacy, and quality of distance learning, teaching, and training on the campus.

Executive Committee - Adam McLain, Chair of the Faculty Assembly
3rd Thursday of the month

Faculty Assembly & Senate - Adam McLain, Chair of the Faculty Assembly
4th Thursday of the month

Graduate Council - Chen-Fu Chiang, Chair (2022-2024)
1st Tuesday of the month

All faculty responsibilities relating to graduate education, programs, curricula, graduate faculty matters and other pertinent issues are hereby delegated to a Graduate Council which shall operate as a standing committee of the Faculty Assembly. The Graduate Council shall establish and operate according to its own by-laws, subject to the requirement that policies adopted shall be reported periodically to the Faculty Assembly. The Chairperson of the Faculty Assembly or his/her designee shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Graduate Council

Planning and Budgeting - Ron Sarner, Chair (2023-2025)
1st Tuesday of the month

Technology - Nick LeJeune, Chair (2022-2024)
1st Thursday of the month

The Technology Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities: to review and make recommendations with respect to the technological infrastructure, including, but not limited to computing, distance learning, and presentation systems, and policies and procedures associated with the use of technology in the institution’s educational program.

Research, Scholarship and Creative Work- Iulian Gherasoiu, Chair (2022-2024)

The Committee on Research, Scholarship and Creative Work seeks to improve the capacity of the Utica Faculty to productively achieve their research, scholarship and creative work aims. Its work includes activities such as conducting and disseminating needs assessments, reviewing, monitoring, and developing policy within its domain, reviewing and monitoring administration and other appropriate offices within its domain, promoting a culture of research, scholarship, and creative work through activities such as training and celebratory events, and advocacy within its domain.

UFS Faculty Senator – Francia Reed
UFS Faculty Senator Alternate – Amos Confer



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