Executive Committee

Executive committee of the Faculty Assembly regularly meets 1st Thursday of every month during academic year.

Special meetings are called by Chair of the Faculty Assembly & Senate.

The following are excerpts from the FA Bylaws:
The Executive Committee consist of the Chairperson and the Secretary
of the Assembly, the Chairpersons of the standing committees and the Faculty
Senator. The Faculty Senator  serves as a nonvoting member of the
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
A. It shall prepare an agenda for meetings of the Faculty Assembly & Senate, which the Faculty Assembly & Senate by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting may add to, delete from or alter. The agenda and minutes of the meeting shall be circulated to the members of the Faculty Assembly.
B. It shall have the power to call Faculty Assembly & Senate Meetings. The Executive Committee shall report on the status, actions, and recommendations of the
Executive Committee, and actions of the Assembly and its committees (except personnel recommendations).
C. It shall have the power to appoint faculty members (as defined in Article 1 of Faculty Assembly Bylaws) on committees which may be established by any administrative officer of SUNY Polytechnic Institute. Such appointments shall be overturned only by a two -thirds vote of the faculty present and voting at any regularly scheduled Faculty Assembly & Senate meeting.
D. It shall carry out the decisions and instruction of the Assembly

Membership for the 2023-24 Academic Year

  • Adam McLain, Chair, Faculty Assembly & Senate
  • Kristina Boylan, Secretary
  • Ibrahim Yucel, Chair, Academic Affairs
  • Andrew Wolfe, Chair, Academic Personnel
  • Kathleen Rourke, Chair, Academic Quality
  • Pallavi Gupta-Bouder, Chair, Curriculum
  • Narayan Sharma, Chair, Distance Learning
  • Chen-Fu Chiang, Chair, Graduate Council
  • Ron Sarner, Chair, Planning & Budgeting
  • Nick LeJeune, Chair, Technology
  • Iulian Gherasiou, Chair, Research Scholarship & Creative Work
  • Francia Reed, Senator, University Faculty Senate


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