Christopher Smith
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Minor: Mathematics
Hometown: Glen Spey, NY
Expected Graduation Year: 2023
Why did you choose SUNY Poly?
I applied to SUNY Poly on a whim. Once I toured campus and met some of the staff, the atmosphere at SUNY Poly convinced me to enroll.
How did you choose your major?
I knew that I wanted to go to college for engineering. I chose electrical and computer engineering specifically because I feel that it is the most versatile engineering degree.
What has been your favorite class so far and why?
My favorite class so far, without a doubt, is Signals and Systems. Since it is a required class in the fall for all junior ECE majors, it is known as a “gatekeeper course” for the rest of our required courses. It is my favorite class because it really brings together every other class I have taken so far, and it truly feels like pieces of a puzzle coming together.
What activities are you involved in on campus? Why did you decide to get involved in these activities?
Currently, I am the president of the IEEE Club on campus and working to expand it to become a place where students can come to create unique electrical-related projects and get some hands-on experience as well. I am also a tutor in the Learning Center and work on some of the electrical wiring for SAE Baja Club.
What has been your best experience at SUNY Poly so far?
My best (and on-going) experience at SUNY Poly is the sense of comradery and community that has developed between my fellow ECE students and myself. Since many of us have been in the same classes since our freshman year, we all have great working and personal relationships with each other. As classmates, we help each other through our courses and drive each other to better.
What is your favorite thing about being a part of the SUNY Poly community?
My favorite thing about the SUNY Poly community is that because of the small class sizes, many of the staff take the time to get to know the students which leads to a more personable experience. I believe this connection greatly enriches the whole college experience.
Have you had a chance to do an internship yet, if so where, if not is this something you are looking forward to?
In the summer of 2021, I interned with Jacobs Engineering. I was on the East Side Access Project located underneath Grand Central Terminal conducting various systems testing in the field.
What type of research (or capstone) projects are you (or plan to get) involved in?
I am very split between what I would be interested in researching for junior and/or senior projects as I have interest in many of the different subfields of Electrical and Computer Engineering.