Vision, Purpose, Mission, Philosophy & Goals

The nursing community at SUNY Polytechnic Institute aspires to be a values-based center of nursing excellence for learners and professionals regionally, nationally, and internationally. We are dedicated to contributing to society by advancing nursing scholarship and practice through innovation, technology, collaboration, and caring.

The purpose of the School of Nursing at SUNY Polytechnic Institute is to prepare graduates of its program, at the beginning and advanced levels of their practice, to utilize theory, leadership, and research evidence as the foundation of their practice. They are prepared to continue their education and to deliver quality nursing services to individuals, families, groups and communities.

The mission of the nursing community at SUNY Polytechnic Institute is to promote a caring, transformational learning environment through academic excellence, lifelong scholarship, and innovation in nursing. We provide quality, evidence-based nursing education that prepares learners to meet diverse healthcare needs within our local and global communities through technology, leadership and collaboration.

Grounded in a philosophy of caring, respect, human dignity, and community, the nursing program empowers learners to navigate complex health care systems in order to be change agents that drive innovation, improve patient safety and facilitate optimal healthcare outcomes. We embrace the ideals and standards of the nursing professional as well as learner centered education to guide and support humanistic practice within an ever changing health care system and global environment. We believe society, specifically within the model of health care delivery, will be advanced through the dissemination of knowledge and development by merging technological advanced within healthcare. We embrace the vision of how technology can be used to benefit nursing education, research and practice. We embrace a learning environment that empowers current and future generations of nurses. We believe in sharing a body of nursing and healthcare knowledge and facilitating critical reflection skills which are applied in a complex and ever evolving environment of health. Through the learning process we provide learners with the ability to transform health care environments which include practice, research and education at both micro and macro levels. As educators, we incorporate evidence based teaching to facilitate learning and professional formation. We believe that learning occurs in the context of mutual respect, support and collaboration. As learner centered educators we believe learners are motivated, divers, and self-directed individuals. We start from each learner's point of readiness and facilitate the broader application of knowledge and care. We believe with the proper tools, skills, knowledge, and attitude that learners will value the importance of life-long learning and creative problem solving. 


  • Provide a nursing education in the context an integrative framework that includes technology, behavioral science, biological sciences, arts and humanities.
  • Prepare learners to apply evidence based methodologies to their practice.
  • Provide a transformational educational environment that promotes caring, critical reflection, collaboration, professionalism, innovation and lifelong scholarship.
  • Foster clinical decisions and ethical practice in health care based upon the codes and standards of practice to meet unique needs of clients and families within local and global culturally divers communities.
  • Promote leadership and caring within clinical practice, education, administration, community service, and scholarship.
  • Cultivate the capacity of technology within the human caring experience.


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