The CvET curriculum provides students experience with modern software that is used in industry. Many courses utilize industry-standard software such as:
- AutoCAD for design and layout
- Microstation for design and layout
- Inroads for highway design
- RAM Structural System for designing structural members
- Microsoft Project for construction planning
- Flowmaster, Culvertmaster, WaterCAD, and SewerCAD for hydraulic analysis
- Highway Capacity Software for traffic level-of-service and capacity
- Microsoft Word and Excel for preparation of reports and tables
The CvET program has several dedicated computer labs, and students have access to numerous other modern computer labs throughout the campus. For the computer science elective requirement, students may learn Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Visual Basic, C/C++, or JAVA.
CAD Proficiency
Success in the CvET field is strongly dependent on a proficiency in computer aided drafting (CAD). Many of our graduating students will be actively involved with CAD or will work directly with those who are. To ensure a minimum level of proficiency, all students are required to pass a CAD Test to graduate. CAD proficiency may be in either AutoCAD or Microstation.