Learn more about the transfer of the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) to the University at Albany
SUNY Poly's undergraduate program in Nanoscale Engineering uniquely prepares students for growing scientific opportunities in the nanotechnology-enabled careers of the 21st century.
The Nanoscale Engineering program offers an academically rigorous preparation for students intending to pursue scientific, technical, or professional careers in nanotechnology-enabled fields or graduate studies in nanoscale engineering or nanoscale science, as well as other physical sciences or interdisciplinary sciences such as materials science, physics, biophysics, chemistry or biochemistry. As a result, graduates will demonstrate the technical and professional proficiencies necessary to enable the identification, description, discovery, experimental investigation, and theoretical interpretation of nanoscale phenomenon and, as a result, become highly successful scientists, researchers, educators, and leaders in the global innovation economy of the 21st century.
SUNY Poly’s Nanoscale Engineering program aims to equip our students with a liberal education in the foundational physical sciences, mathematics, and applied engineering concepts, and to prepare them to develop creative solutions to technological problems through the use of rigorous analytical, computational, modeling, and experimental tools. The undergraduate curriculum harnesses the unparalleled intellectual and technological resources of SUNY Poly's Albany NanoTech Complex, which is the most advanced nanotechnology research enterprise at any university in the world. SUNY Poly offers undergraduate students a world-class experience working with, and learning from, the top innovative minds in the academic and industrial worlds.
Students have the option of two paths to complete a B.S. in Nanoscale Engineering at SUNY Poly:
- Traditional Albany campus program - students spend all four years on the Albany campus
- Bridge to Nano program - students spend their first two years on the Utica campus and their last two years on the Albany campus. Learn more about the Bridge to Nano program.
The Nanoscale Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.
Read the Nanoscale Engineering brochure on ISSUU.