Learn more about the transfer of the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) to the University at Albany
Nanoscale Engineering tracks for Ph.D. degree programs:
Nanoelectronics Engineering and Technology: Design, processing, fabrication, testing, and integration of nanoelectronic structures and devices for incorporation in emerging gigascale and terascale integrated circuit systems and architectures. Development of integrated process modules for novel nanoelectronics materials.
Optoelectronics and Photonics Nanoengineering: Design, fabrication, testing, and integration of integrated optoelectronic and photonic device structures using compound semiconductors. Testing and hybridization of optoelectronic/photonic devices in system-on-a-chip (SOC) and nano-electro-mechanical system (NEMS) architectures.
Spintronics Nanoengineering: Design, fabrication, testing, and integration of spintronic device structures. Testing and hybridization of spintronic devices, including incorporation in system-on-a-chip (SOC) and nano-electro-mechanical system (NEMS) architectures.
NanoSystem Engineering and Technology: Design, fabrication, packaging, and testing of nano/micro-electrical and nano/micro-opto-electrical mechanical components and nano/micro-fluidic components for incorporation in SOC architectures and systems.
Nanoengineering in Energy & Environmental Technologies: Development of nanotechnology engineering concepts for new and emerging applications in energy and environmental areas including fuel cells, solar cells, superconductors, sensors, power electronics, and supercapacitors.
Nanolithography Engineering and Technology: Design, development and engineering of nanolithography systems, components, and processes. Development and engineering of materials and metrologies for nanolithography.
Nanobiology Engineering and Technology: Design, development and engineering of nanobiological systems, components, and processes. Development and engineering of biomaterials and nano-bio-systems for SOC, nanomedicine, and health applications.
For degree information, visit the SUNY Poly Graduate Catalog.
First-Year Course Map (pdf)