We are seeking First Year Seminar Professors and Instructors for the Fall of 2024!
An overview of the FYS program including descriptions of course formats, learner oriented objectives, compensation and qualifications to teach is here: https://sunypoly-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/adamsj4_sunypoly_edu/EU-nq3jSfRtPvkV0OKe18yMBWrhgDFVsrPPMCP-RSfsEqw?e=IHAAPM
We will have two formats of FYS for Fall 2024.
FYS 101 – A "traditional" first year seminar course. Syllabus, college transition topics and methods for teaching will be provided. Staff with bachelor’s degrees and 5+ years of experience in higher education ARE encouraged to consider applying to teach FYS 101.
FYS 111 – These sections of FYS are topic based, and either academically focused or skill development focused. A master’s degree and demonstrated qualifications to teach in the topic proposed are required to teach YS 111.
Faculty and staff submissions for proposed FYS 111 sections will be reviewed by the FYS Steering Committee, which includes representation from the faculty and student affairs. Final approval for academic topics must be made by the department chair and college dean.
All FYS sections for Fall 2024 are 15 weeks long, with one class meeting per week. All sections must meet weekly IN PERSON. FYS cannot be delivered remotely. FYS is generally compensated by extra service for a one credit academic course at $1084.00.
Unsure if you should apply? Want help exploring a course idea? The following information sessions are available;
Thursday, April 4, 2024 at noon Kunsela B107 (Career Services Conference Room)
Friday, April 5,2024 at noon Kunsela B107 (Career Services Conference Room)
If none of the above information sessions are convenient and you’d like to explore a topic idea or learn more about teaching FYS 101 or FYS 111, please email Jennifer Adams adamsj4@sunypoly.edu for an individual, scheduled time.
Additional information about course requirements is also in the application/proposal to teach FYS 101 or FYS 111. Applications for FYS 101 and proposals for FYS 111 are due FIRMLY by April 15, 2024 at 4 p.m. for consideration.
Find the Application to Teach FYS here: https://forms.office.com/r/PVmjZrKgcv
If you have any questions, please email adamsj4@sunypoly.edu.