Travel Guidelines
The purpose of this traveler's guide is to help employees understand travel rules and regulations and to provide instructions on how to be reimbursed for their expenses. This guide addresses general travel circumstances and may not cover every reimbursement issue. Please contact the Business Office for specific or unique circumstances. The basic rule to remember is that only actual, necessary and reasonable business expenses will be reimbursed.
All Travel vouchers must be submitted to the Business Office no later than 30 days from completion of trip.
- Transportation Expenses
- Meal & Lodging Allowances
- Personal Expenses, Telephone, & Baggage Transfer
- Reimbursement Processing
- Per Diem Rates
- OSC Travel Manual (pdf)
- Forms
- Travel Authorization and Out-of-State Approval form (Fillable pdf)
- Employee Report of Travel Expenses and Claim for Payment (pdf)
- Statement of Meals Claimed (required for Int’l Travel) (pdf)
- Claim for Travel Reimbursement by a Non-Employee (pdf)
- Fleet Vehicle Request (pdf)
- Rental Car Calculator
- Request to Exceed Maximum Lodging Rates (pdf)
- Statement of Automobile Travel (pdf)
- Hotel Tax Exempt Certificate (pdf)
- Travel Credit Card Application (pdf)
Contact: If you have any questions regarding travel policies, reimbursement rates or reimbursement procedures, please contact