Return to Campus FAQs

As federal, state, local, and SUNY health guidance changes due to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, SUNY Poly’s rules will also evolve as the institution receives new guidance and/or regulations are promulgated. SUNY Poly reserves the right to change its policy in regards to these matters and will provide updates as needed on the SUNY Poly website. To submit a question that may not be included on this webpage, please email

How will the lab and equipment be cleaned in between sections? Who will clean the sensitive equipment that needs to be handled appropriately?

It is expected that responsible parties (e.g., faculty/staff who utilize the rooms/equipment) will need to provide disinfection of specialized or sensitive equipment following individual use. This may be performed by students under the direction of the faculty/staff. Departments should review equipment manufacturers’ recommendations and determine special cleaning/disinfection measures needed for equipment. If specialized disinfecting procedures and/or materials are needed, departments should work with procurement to obtain the required materials, document manufacturer recommended procedures, and provide adequate training and PPE (if necessary) for staff who will perform the cleaning/disinfection. Manufacturer recommended disinfectants can be reviewed for required contact time on the EPA website. This site provides a listing of all disinfectants that are approved for disinfection of COVID. Procedures and material can be reviewed with the EHS office.

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Will there be hand sanitizer in the classroom to minimize cross-contamination?

Utica Campus

Classrooms are provided with disinfectant materials (e.g., wipes/spray) and hand sanitizer. General disinfection of high touch areas of classrooms is conducted by the Facilities Department at least once per day. Individual hand sanitizer sprays are made available at different times during the semester. These can also be used as surface sanitizers if necessary. Hand sanitizer dispensers are also located in many other areas of each building on campus.

Albany Campus

Classrooms and/or faculty will be provided with disinfectant materials (e.g., wipes/spray) to ensure any materials they were in contact with are disinfected after use.

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