What happens if a sick employee reports to campus?

Any employee who is presenting infectious illness (e.g., COVID-19) symptoms should not report to their on-campus workplace. Employees should report their condition to their supervisor and Human Resources and immediately seek medical guidance and/or testing for COVID-19.

If an employee is symptomatic upon arrival at work or becomes sick with infectious illness (e.g., COVID-19) symptoms while at the workplace, absent close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19, the employee should return home immediately and may return to work after following the appropriate testing and/or quarantine/isolation procedures.  

CDC Guidance for COVID-19 Symptoms and the flu - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html

Negative Test Result: Individuals who become symptomatic but have a negative COVID-19 test results should continue to stay home or in isolation while sick and consult their health care provider about the need for additional testing and when to resume normal activities.

Positive Test Result: Employees who have tested positive must self-isolate until they meet the requirements for isolation as indicated by the CDC. They must notify Human Resources immediately and inform their supervisor they will not be reporting to work on campus. Supervisors must not disseminate this information to others.


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