Will SUNY Poly provide employees with masks during the COVID-19 pandemic?

When available, SUNY Poly provides disposable and reusable masks to students and employees. Distribution and availability of different types of masks varies by campus. When available, the SUNY Poly community will be notified how masks can be obtained.

SUNY Poly is providing a variety of face coverings to our campus community. Please feel free to provide your own masks. They should meet the generally accepted standards for approved face coverings. Many styles and types of masks are readily available online and in many local retailers. KN95s, while disposable, are designed to be worn multiple times safely. In addition, surgical masks and/or 3-ply disposable masks are available in dispensers in each Administrative and Academic building in Utica, and by visiting the NFE 4th floor President’s suite during regular hours.

Only those individuals identified as having an occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2 or other particulate or contaminant requiring N95 respirators as a result of their daily or routine job activities (e.g., direct patient care, cleaning/disinfection activities, quarantine & isolation, handling obviously or likely contaminated materials such as laundry or air filters) are provided N95 or similar respirators as required for their protection. Voluntary use of N95 respirators is allowed during pandemic situations involving respiratory disease. However, anyone who voluntarily uses these devices must be aware of the risks (consult your health care provider if you have health conditions that may be affected by N95 use), and must be provided with the following mandatory information as required by OSHA (https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.134AppD).

Complimentary KN95 masks are being made available to employees and individuals returning from isolation or quarantine while supplies last for the remainder of the 10-days, and may use the KN95 Request Form to request additional masks. To use the request form, you will need to sign in to the form using your @SUNYPoly.edu / SITNET ID.  In addition, students returning from isolation or quarantine will be provided these masks for the remainder of the 10 days from the Wellness Center.  Please refer to the CDC guidance on mask wearing and the different types of masks: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/types-of-masks.html

For KN95 Mask Instructions and FAQs, please visit this KN95 mask information webpage


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Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.


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