Schedule a Visit:
Welcome to in-person tutoring services at the Learning Center! Current SUNY Poly undergraduate students can schedule up to three 1-hour tutoring sessions per week for each of their classes we offer tutoring. You may not schedule more than one appointment for the same course on the same day.
Log into TracCloud at (use the same credentials used for your email, Banner, and Brightspace accounts)
Under ‘Schedule a Tutoring Appointment’ select your class and Search (if the class is not listed here the LC does not have tutoring available for it).
All available appointments for the following two weeks will be available for you to select from.
You must enter the topic(s) you wish to review in the Notes field. Do not list generic information such as “Homework”, “Test review”, “Chapter 6”, etc. because our tutors do not know what this includes. Instead, use “Factoring”, “For Loops”
You will receive a confirmation email with the tutor’s email address when you submit the appointment request.
For Online Students
Online tutoring for students enrolled in online programs or online courses is available through a third-party provider called Brainfuse. Tutoring with Brainfuse may also be available for a class the Learning Center does not provide – please contact the LC for more information.
Students are limited to 5 hours of tutoring per week with Brainfuse and the service is free.
Access Brainfuse through your class Brightspace shell under the More drop-down menu on the Navigation Bar.

Student Expectations
Welcome to the Learning Center! Tutoring can be a great resource to help you succeed in your courses. To have a positive and productive tutoring experience, students are expected to attend visits fully prepared and ready to participate. Please review the specific guidelines below. Continued use of tutoring services is contingent on students adhering to all of these expectations.
Attend all lectures, labs, and discussions sections for your class
Come prepared with appropriate syllabus, questions, notes, texts, and handouts
Attempt all assigned or suggested homework problems
Complete all assigned readings
Generate questions to ask during your visit
Arrive to your appointment on time
Tutors WILL NOT...
Provide answers to or complete homework assignments with students (students must complete assignments on their own)
Teach or lecture students
Review an assignment and tell the student if it looks correct, or not
Help with quizzes, exams, or labs
Any questions should be directed to