About EndNote Web
EndNote Web, a robust bibliographic management database, comes to us through our subscription to Web of Science. This page will get you started using EndNote by guiding you through the process of creating a Web of Science account and accessing EndNote.
The instructions on this page will help you use EndNote Web in order to increase your organization and efficiency by minimizing the time spent harvesting citation data for sources of evidence in your work.
1. Navigate to Web of Science by selecting the Databases link on the SUNY Poly Library homepage.
2. Browse the library's list of databases by subject, select General Interest.
3. Select Web of Science from the General Interest category.
4. The Web of Science homepage
5. Begin the registration process by clicking Sign In at the top right
6. Choose Register on the Sign In menu
7. Complete the Web of Science registration and (if needed) sign back in to Web of Science.
8. Return to the homepage after signing in to Web of Science
9. Select EndNote from the MyTools menu
10. EndNote opening screen, with references