Narrowing a Topic – Helpful Websites
Jacobs University page on topic selection
UCLA How to Narrow or Broaden your Topic
University of St. Francis Narrowing a Topic Worksheet
Scholarly VS. Popular Journal Website
How do I…determine a Scholarly or Popular Source? – Helpful guide from University at Colorado Boulder Libraries
Find Articles
Academic Search Complete - Full-text scholarly multi-disciplinary database
Humanities Source - Provides articles, interviews, obituaries, book reviews, and original works of fiction, drama, and poetry. Also included are reviews of ballets, dance, motion pictures, musicals, radio and television programs, plays, operas, and more. Coverage to 1920’s.
Proquest - Full-text coverage of articles originally from magazines, newspapers, and journals
PsycINFO - Abstracts of journal articles, dissertations, books and book chapters in psychology, from 1887 to the present
Religion and Philosophy Collection - Full-text journal articles in areas of religion and philosophy
Documenting Your Work
APA and MLA style handouts and other citation information are available on the SUNY Poly Library Citations Guide.