Nurse Educators



Note: My presentation will take about one half of the class time. The rest of the time you will use to use the information learned on searching, etc. to work on your topic. I will be available to help with your searches. Please feel free to ask questions during the presentation.

  1. Access – SITNetID and Password
  2. Types of sources – Scholarly/Academic articles, Magazine/Periodical articles, Newspaper articles, Dissertations
  3. Database searching strategy – which database to choose, plus “Searching Fundamentals” on your handout
  4. Locating the articles – “Finding Material” on your handout
  5. Websites – what to look for in a reliable website, “Evaluating Websites” and “Additional Evaluation Information…” on your handout
  6. Citation help – “Documenting Your Work” on the handout
  7. Any additional questions
  8. Your turn to search

Searching the Internet for Academic Resources

Websites for Nurse Educators in Geriatrics

Organizations of Interest to Geriatric Nurses

Where to Find Full-text Journals on the Internet

Searchable Databases on the Internet

Online Reference Books

Evaluating Health Information on the Internet


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