Note: My presentation will take about one half of the class time. The rest of the time you will use to use the information learned on searching, etc. to work on your topic. I will be available to help with your searches. Please feel free to ask questions during the presentation.
- Access – SITNetID and Password
- Types of sources – Scholarly/Academic articles, Magazine/Periodical articles, Newspaper articles, Dissertations
- Database searching strategy – which database to choose, plus “Searching Fundamentals” on your handout
- Locating the articles – “Finding Material” on your handout
- Websites – what to look for in a reliable website, “Evaluating Websites” and “Additional Evaluation Information…” on your handout
- Citation help – “Documenting Your Work” on the handout
- Any additional questions
- Your turn to search
Searching the Internet for Academic Resources
Websites for Nurse Educators in Geriatrics
- John A. Hartford Foundation Centers of Geriatric Nursing Excellence
- Gero T.I.P.S. Online Learning modules, from Penn State University
Organizations of Interest to Geriatric Nurses
- The American Geriatrics Society
- The American Society on Aging
- The Gerontological Society of America
- Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association
- National Gerontological Nursing Association -- also see the online document “Prescriptions for Excellence in Gerontological Nursing Education”
- National Council on Aging -- also see sites such as Alzheimer’s Association and American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, etc.
- Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Competencies
Where to Find Full-text Journals on the Internet
- Free Medical Journals free access to medical journals (see geriatrics)
- HighWire Press
- DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals in health sciences, biology, life sciences, etc.
- Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, quality example of an electronic nursing journal
- Bandolier, online journal about evidence based health care
- NursingCenter, 50 journals with table of contents and abstracts, must join for full-text; see Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, Annals of Long Term Care, etc.
Searchable Databases on the Internet
- Pubmed is the National Library of Medicine's free public site -- over 11 million citations
- Health Services/Technology Assessment Text (HSTAT) a searchable collection of large, full-text clinical practice guidelines, technology assessments, and health information
- Food and Nutrition Information Center -- searchable databases and contains over 1800 links to current and reliable nutrition information; Select “lifecycle nutrition”, then “aging”
- Center for Drug Evaluation and Research from the Food and Drug Administration, information on human drugs, foods, biologics, cosmetics, medical devices, toxicology
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services -- Health Care Indicators and Expenditures, Clinical Practice Expense Program (CPEP), etc.
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) -- “State-based health surveys...about health risk behaviors, clinical preventive practices, and health care access and use; primarily related to chronic diseases and injury”.
- Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce
- Martindale Center, Health Science Guide -- over 138,525 Medical Cases, 63,600 Teaching Files, 1,375 Courses/Textbooks; 1,870 Tutorials,470 Journals; 4,580 Databases Atlases & Images
- National Center for Health Statistics
- National Guideline Clearinghouse (for example, search for “aging” or a disease)
Online Reference Books
- National Nursing Home Survey
- Gray’s Anatomy
- The State of Aging and Health in America 2007 from the CDC
Evaluating Health Information on the Internet
- The DISCERN Handbook, Quality Criteria for Consumer Health Information on Treatment Choices
- Proceed with Caution: A Report on the Quality of Health Information on the Internet, Report Summary
- Towards quality management of medical information on the Internet: evaluation, labelling, and filtering of information
- A Report on the Evaluation of Criteria Sets for Assessing Health Web Sites
- The Health On the Net Foundation (HON) -- provides quality certification