Library Databases
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
Cochrane Collection Plus - collection of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making
Medline - contains biomedical and life sciences journal citations
Integrative Literature Reviews
One page handout from the University of North Carolina on integrative research review:
Helpful article in the Proquest database:
Russell, C.L. (2005). An overview of the integrative research review. Progress in Transplantation. 15, 8-13.
Integrated Review Article Example in the Proquest database:
Mancuso-Murphy, J. (2007). Distance education in nursing: An integrated review of online nursing students’ experiences with technology-delivered instruction. Journal of Nursing Education. 46, 252-260.
Searchable Databases on the Internet
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
The United States’ premier evidence-based practice agency
Centre for Evidence-based Medicine
Click on Resource Centre, then Directory
PubMed Clinical Queries
Select systematic reviews, which retrieves systematic review and meta-analysis studies for search topics
Searches best evidence sites from the U of TX Health Sciences Center
Health Services/Technology Assessment Text (HSTAT)
Searchable collection of large, full-text clinical practice guidelines, technology assessments, and health information.
TRIP Database
Allows health professionals to find the highest-quality material available on the web – to help support evidence based practice
Related Websites
Joanna Briggs Institute - Evidence-based resources for healthcare professionals
National Institute of Nursing Research - Grant information and links to other resources
National Center for Health Statistics
National Guideline Clearinghouse