Databases, choose Medicine/Nursing/Health
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
Cochrane Collection Plus - Combines the NHS Economic Evaluation Database and Health Technology Assessments with the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Cochrane Methodology Register.
Medline – covers medicine, nursing, dentistry and much more ScienceDirect – contains topics nursing and health professions
PsycInfo - Abstracts of journal articles in psychology
ERIC - for anything related to nursing education
Search Engines
Google Scholar - Instructions for how to link Google Scholar to the SUNY Poly databases from off-campus.
Searchable Databases on the Internet
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) “State-based health surveys...about health risk behaviors, clinical preventive practices, and health care access and use; primarily related to chronic diseases and injury”.
Health Services/Technology Assessment Text (HSTAT) full-text clinical practice guidelines, technology assessments, and health information
National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology - Data Tools and Statistics From the National Library of Medicine, searchable database of tools, data repositories, health statistics and more
PubMed Clinical Queries Select systematic reviews (includes meta-analysis studies)
SUMSearch Searches best evidence sites from the U of Texas
Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library Offers “reliable nursing research and evidence-based knowledge”
Nursing Theory Websites
The Nursing Theory Link Page from Clayton State University
Helpful Websites
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Useful categories include Research Findings and Data & Surveys
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Links to nursing shortage resources
Centre for Evidence-based Medicine
See links to Centre for Evidence-based Nursing, then publications, and see other resources and links.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Health Care Indicators and Expenditures, Clinical Practice Expense Program (CPEP), etc.
National Center for Health Statistics
National Guideline Clearinghouse Wolfram Mathworld
Math resources site with resources. Includes a section on Probability and Statistics.
Full-text Journals on the Internet
Free Medical Journals
HighWire Press
DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals
BioMed Central
Online Journal of Issues in Nursing
Bandolier, online journal about evidence based health care
NursingCenter, must register for free access [/well] [well]