2 Open AHAB Positions for Fall Semester 2015

2 Open AHAB Positions for Fall Semester 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - 16:21
SUNY Poly News Logo

AHAB (After Hours Activities Board) is looking for two students to fill our vacant treasurer and publicity coordinator positions for the 2015 fall semester.

The AHAB treasurer would need to have a working knowledge of Google Docs Spreadsheet or be able to create a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel. This person must attend most AHAB events, as well as attend all weekly meetings within the organization.

The AHAB publicity coordinator works closely with the entire Adobe Creative Suite software. It would be great if you could have experience in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Illustrator. The coordinator is also in charge of working with AHAB social media pages. This person will have to attend most AHAB events, as well as attend all weekly meetings within the organization.

If you feel like you are the right person for the position, feel free to email Aaron Dzigas at dzigasa@sunypoly.edu for more details or to apply.

