2015 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship 

2015 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship 

Monday, October 27, 2014 - 15:03
SUNY Poly News Logo

The Goldwater Scholarship is the most prestigious undergraduate science scholarship in the U.S. and is worth up to $7500 for the student scholar. For a scholarship application to be successful, you need excellent grades plus a clear research project and research goals. We are looking for those academically successful students who wish to pursue research careers.

  Internal applications will be a 1-2 page description of your research project, plus a brief paragraph or two about your educational goals. These applications are due November 17, 2014. You will also need a recommendation from your research advisor and two other recommendations from faculty members who know your work.


Eligibility is limited to students in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and who will be juniors or seniors in 2015-2016. For more information and to get your application started, please consult with your advisor and me (Dr. Thistleton, thistlet@sunypoly.edu) and visit https://goldwater.scholarsapply.org/ .
