3DInCites: SEMI Northeast Forum: Power Electronics Manufacturing ­ From Concept to Production

3DInCites: SEMI Northeast Forum: Power Electronics Manufacturing ­ From Concept to Production

Thursday, October 8, 2015 - 15:27
SUNY Poly News Logo

CNSE-300x244.jpgI’m not sure what it is about SEMI events held in the U.S. Northeast, but the last two I attended, ASMC 2015 (Saratoga Springs, NY), and the recent SEMI Northeast Forum on Power Electronics Manufacturing (Albany, NY), both reached full attendance capacity before they went live.

Word must be out on the great things happening in New York State.

It certainly looks that way in the parking lot at SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (SUNY Poly CNSE), where I left my car somewhere in the back forty, umbrella-less and coatless in the Autumn rain (the soaker everyone had been hoping for), puddle-hopping around the NanoTech Complex, wishing for my brolly and my Wellies.

Undeterred by the weather, and/or better dressed for it than I was, the audience who filled the room in the CNSE South Rotunda on September 30, 2015 heard from five speakers presenting on the topic of power electronics manufacturing in a program that flowed from the big picture (Paul Farrar, GM, New York Power Electronics Consortium) through to business focus (Peter Sandvik, Product Manager, SiC Business Unit, GE) all the way to supporting vendors and supply chain (Scott Balaguer, Edwards; Somit Joshi, Veeco; Dr. Fulvio Mazzamuto, SCREEN-LASSE).

